The Lumos data asset is stored in the Secure Analytics Primary Health Environment (SAPHE), a highly secure cloud solution designed by Lumos. It includes a remote desktop with analytics programs including SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Data Studio, R & R Studio, Microsoft Office 365, and Power BI Desktop. Access to Lumos data is restricted to those who meet the eligibility criteria.
You may be eligible to access Lumos data through the SAPHE if you:
If eligible, please contact the Lumos Team via email: (application processing can take up to 6 weeks).
Due to the highly sensitive nature of the Lumos data asset, all SAPHE users are bound by the conditions of data release, terms of use and confidentiality undertaking for the Lumos data asset.This includes the following terms of use. Users of the Lumos data through the SAPHE:
When conducting analyses, users should consider not only the objectives of proposed analyses but any ethical implications if the results were to be published or actionable insights led to any implementation, including the potential impact(s) on vulnerable populations.
SAPHE users are supported through a personalised onboarding session and training resources. Monthly Community of Practice sessions are also held to allow users from across NSW to meet virtually, share experiences, and develop relevant skills.