Funded paediatric healthcare projects

​Paediatric Priority Funding 2021-24

Local health districts and specialty health networks were invited to apply for funding to initiate, progress or scale a project focused on care navigation and integration for children and young people with complex needs.

The Paediatric Priority Funding Strategy was determined following stakeholder consultation and is aligned with recommendation 29 of the Henry Review.

Funding will be provided for four projects during FY2021-24. Paediatric Priority Funding was formerly known as Paediatric Innovation Funding and total funding for the four successful projects for FY2021-24 is over $2.6million.

Paediatric Priority Funding - Successful projects 2021-24

Hunter New England Local Health District

HNEKids Compass (formerly 'Connecting and coordinating care for kids with chronic health needs')

Led by Hunter New England Local Health District (LHD), in partnership with Central Coast and Mid North Coast LHDs. This project will consider care coordination and patient experiences to develop and test and integrated systems approach to care coordination.

Project contacts

Mid North Coast Local Health District

Who are the people in your health neighbourhood?

Led by Mid North Coast LHD. This project draws upon existing models of care coordination with additional innovations to generate multi-agency and community focused collaboration. This project has a strong Aboriginal engagement focus.

Project contacts

Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

Providing enhanced access to health services (PEACH)

Led by Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (SCHN), the Providing Enhanced Access to Health Services (PEACH) project aims to address equity to health services for children and young people from priority populations through early identification and supported and enhanced care.

Project contacts

Rural Kids GPS

Led by SCHN in partnership with Southern NSW LHD, Murrumbidgee LHD, Western NSW LHD, Northern NSW LHD and University of NSW. This project will test and scale an existing model of care coordination developed by SCHN adapted for rural and regional contexts.

Project contact

Kirsten Bula, Integrated Care Lead, SCHN

Paediatric Innovation Funding 2018-20

Paediatric Innovation Funding supports projects for children’s healthcare that focus on better patient outcomes, improved delivery of health services, and/or improved patient, family or staff health and wellbeing. Over $1.6million was provided to eleven projects across NSW during FY2018-20.

Current as at: Friday 19 August 2022