The CYPFESC met on 4 April 2023. Committee discussion was focused on how to ensure that as NSW Health implements the Henry Review Implementation Plan (HRIP), it is delivering on the intent of the Henry Review and making a difference for children, young people and families. The committee also discussed some of the key mental health initiatives within the implementation plan and how to ensure paediatric and mental health services are working together effectively. The committee heard a report back on progress of the workforce recommendations in the HRIP and Paediatric Intensive Care and Neonatal Intensive Care (PICNIC) recommendations.
CYPFESC agreed an approach to developing its new workplan for 2023-24. This process will consider:
The next workplan will tighten the focus of CYPFESC to key systemic priorities. Other ongoing reform activities in the HRIP will be progressed by the child, youth and families governance groups, with CYPFESC oversight.
The Ministry's Mental Health Branch provided an update on three activities:
CYPFESC agreed that the PICNIC Action Plan is now operationally embedded and closed from a monitoring perspective. CYPFESC will continue to monitor HRIP workforce actions on:
CYPFESC members discussed the importance of ensuring that progress made against the actions also leads to service level improvement and better outcomes and experience for children, young people and families. The implementation of the governance refresh will help ensure appropriate governance structures are in place at the state level to drive improvement.
Members noted the ongoing importance of communicating progress and outcomes from the HRIP and PICNIC to the health system and other stakeholders.
Contact Sarah Morton, Director, Disability, Youth and Paediatric Health, NSW Ministry of Health at