The Committee reflected on the topic of the previous meeting Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR). The SDPR implementation is supported by a governance structure including 59 working groups and councils that include representatives from across NSW Health Local Health Districts and speciality areas. The Committee discussed the complexity for SDPR when providing care for children requires consideration by many of the working groups.
The Committee heard an update on progress on Brighter Beginnings, a whole of government initiative developed to give children the best start in life. In 2025 the project team will focus on consolidating project successes, improving delivery against Closing the Gap targets and linkage with Primary Care and General Practitioners.
The Committee heard an overview on the development of a paediatric health strategy. The strategy is intended to provide a framework for a statewide plan for paediatric services in NSW Health. The strategy will consider the health needs of 0–16 year-olds in NSW and approaches available to meet these needs at both a state wide and local level. The strategy will include principles and priorities and may include wider context including service gaps and challenges.
Raghu Lingam, Professor, Paediatric Population Health, School of Women's & Children's Health, UNSW Medicine, presented an overview of RuralKidsGPS. Information on this project is available at Evaluation of RuralkidsGPS: A Novel Integrated Paediatric Care Coordination Model of Care in Rural Australia - a Mixed-Methods Study Protocol.
Contact Sarah Morton, Director, Disability, Youth and Paediatric Health, NSW Ministry of Health at