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First 2000 Days symposium agenda
Preconception, maternity, and child and family health
Currently selected
Maternity care in NSW
Implementing the Blueprint to improve maternity care in NSW
Developing the Blueprint to improve maternity care in NSW
First 2000 Days symposiums
First 2000 Days symposium agenda
Content 1
Welcome and update on the First 2000 Days
9:00am -
Welcome to Country
Uncle Allan Murray, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council
9:10am -
Welcome to First 2000 Days Symposium
Tish Bruce, Executive Director, Health and Social Policy Branch, NSW Ministry of Health
9:20am -
Keynote address
Associate Professor Elisabeth Murphy, Medical Advisor, Brighter Beginnings, NSW Health
9:50am -
Brighter Beginnings
Jessamin Clissold, Department of Education
Aboriginal programs
10:10am -
Maari Ma, Broken Hill
Tameka O’Donnell, Lavinia Henderson, Dr Garth Alperstein
10:30am -
Ngala Nanga Mai pARenT Program, La Perouse
Sydney Children’s Hospital Network: Dr Karen Zwi, Michelle Jersky, Kiya Shipley
SESLHD: Aunty Lola Ryan
10:50am -
Cross-agency collaborative approach for partnering with local communities
Sharnee Townsend, NSW Ministry of Health
Cassandra Kanitz, Department of Communities and Justice
11:10am -
Q & A
11:30am -
Morning tea
Minister for Health and Minister for Regional Health address and consumer experience
12:00pm -
Minister for Health and Minister for Regional Health address
Susan Pearce AM, Secretary NSW Health Hon. Ryan Park MP
12:20pm -
Consumer Experiences - Hyperemesis Gravidarum
12:30pm -
Customer Experience Pilot - Health and Development checks in Child and Family Health Services
Clare Placek, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
12:50pm -
Q & A
1:10pm -
First 2000 Days related research projects
2:00pm -
First 2000 Days Hub
Tania Rimes – SESLHD Professor Sue Woolfenden, Sydney Health Partners
2:20pm -
Watch Me Grow
Professor Valsamma Eapen, Stream Director Early Life Determinants of Health (ELDOH), Maridulu Budyari Gumal
2:40pm -
Healthy Beginnings for HNE Kids
Associate Professor Rachel Sutherland Hunter New England Local Health District
3:00pm -
Q & A
3:15pm -
Afternoon tea
Panel session: Championing resilience
3:30pm -
Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE) Framework
Professor Rebekah Grace, Director, Transforming early Education and Child Health (TeEACH), Western Sydney University
3:50pm -
Growing Resilience – evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand
Professor Susan Morton, Research Institute for Innovative Solutions for Well-being and Health Director (INSIGHT), UTS
4:10pm -
Panel discussion and Q&A
Dr Shanti Raman, Senior Clinical Advisor, Child and Family Health, NSW Ministry of Health
Grainne O’Loughlin, CEO, Karitane
Associate Professor Jenny Smit, A/CEO, Tresillian
Professor Susan Morton, INSIGHT, UTS
Professor Rebekah Grace, TeEACH, Western Sydney University
4:40pm -
Closing address
April Deering, Director, Child and Family Unit, NSW Ministry of Health
Content 2
Current as at: Friday 15 March 2024
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Maternity, Child and Family