Connecting, listening and responding: A Blueprint for Action – Maternity Care in NSW
NSW Health published
Connecting, Listening and Responding: A Blueprint for Action – Maternity Care in NSW (the Blueprint) in March 2023.
The Blueprint aims to strengthen maternity care to ensure care is collaborative, equitable and woman-centred.
The Blueprint is supported by 10 goals that were informed by what women told us matters most to them.
- Women receive maternity care that is socially and culturally respectful.
- The outcomes that matter to women, and their experiences, actively inform their maternity care and future service improvements.
- Women have enough information before conception to optimise their health, pregnancy experience and outcomes.
- Women are connected to information and care early in pregnancy.
- Antenatal care reflects the individual preferences and needs of women, babies and families.
- Women are offered different care options, are actively involved in decision-making about their care and their choices are respected.
- Women with additional needs during pregnancy are connected to appropriate services.
- Women are informed of the possible outcomes of all aspects of care during labour and birth.
- Women receive safe, high quality, evidence-based care that is appropriate to their individual needs and expectations.
- Women are connected to the care and support they need after birth.
The vision for maternity care in NSW
‘…that all women in NSW receive respectful, evidence-based and equitable maternity care that improves experiences and health and wellbeing outcomes’.
Inquiry into Birth Trauma
Select Committee on Birth Trauma was established on 21 June 2023 to inquire into and report on birth trauma. The
Inquiry Report was published on 29 May 2024. The
NSW Government Response was tabled on 29 August 2024.
We recognise and are grateful for the courage of the thousands of women who shared their deeply personal and difficult experiences with the Select Committee. The experiences of women heard throughout the Birth Trauma Inquiry highlighted the critical importance of respectful, compassionate, trauma-informed and culturally safe maternity care.
The Birth Trauma Inquiry has amplified what we heard through our consultation with women in the development of the Blueprint. In response, we are accelerating five initiatives to focus our efforts on improving the experience and wellbeing of women and their families.
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Implementing the Blueprint
NSW Health has started implementation of the Blueprint in collaboration with maternity clinicians and consumers. Local health districts and speciality health networks are using the Blueprint to:
- guide ongoing system reform and redesign to strengthen maternity care across NSW. This includes before pregnancy, pregnancy, labour, birth, postnatal care and transition to the community.
- inform direction and local actions to ensure all women in NSW receive respectful, evidence-based and equitable maternity care that improves experiences and health and wellbeing outcomes.
We are continuing to listen
NSW Health will continue to listen to and learn from women and their families, clinicians and other stakeholders to deliver the best possible maternity care for women, babies and families in NSW.
To support the implementation of
Connecting, Listening and Responding: A Blueprint for Action – Maternity Care in NSW we’ve established:
NSW Health Maternity Expert Advisory Group
Announced by Minister Park on 9 September 2023
- Co-chaired by a consumer and the Deputy Secretary, Health System Strategy and Patient Experience.
- Membership includes midwifery and obstetric co-leads, consumers and senior leaders from the NSW Ministry of Health and pillars.
- Provides advice and makes recommendations to NSW Health on the implementation of the Blueprint priorities, considering consumer, clinical, service and system perspectives.
NSW Health Maternity Consumer Reference Group
- Membership includes women and partners with a range of lived experience of maternity care in NSW within the last five years.
- Three self-nominated members sit on the Maternity Expert Advisory Group.
- Provides recommendations from a consumer perspective to the NSW Health Maternity Expert Advisory Group on the Blueprint implementation priorities.
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