UROC - Unrostered overtime claims (including meal allowance where eligible)

​Quick reference guide on how to create an unrostered overtime claim.

Last updated: 08 May 2024

​What is UROC?

  • The Unrostered Overtime and Callback Claims (UROC) system provides an online facility for Junior Medical Officers to claim unrostered overtime, callbacks and missed meal breaks all within the same application.
  • You can create:
    • a claim for unrostered overtime (and claim for a meal allowance where eligible within the same claim).
    • a claim for callbacks (recalled for duty).
    • a claim for missed meal breaks
  • All claims are reviewed by your JMO unit or equivalent for processing into payroll. On occasions if you have missed important details in your claim, your JMO unit may return your claim to you to update before it is processed.

How to create an unrostered overtime claim (inc. meal allowance where eligible)

To access the UROC JMO Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to StaffLink and login using your ID and password
  2. Select NSWH UROC Creator role from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the UROC JMO Dashboard.

    The UROC JMO Dashboard landing page displays.
  4. Select the Claim Unrostered Overtime button.

    The Unrostered Overtime Claim landing page displays.


    The Health Agency and Facility fields will default to the Health Agency and Facility to which your current main assignment in StaffLink is linked. If you wish to claim for unrostered overtime worked in a different Health Agency or Facility you can select the relevant option from the drop-down list.

  5. Add in your LHD or Network as the Health Agency field and Facility from the drop-down fields.
  6. Under Claim Lines, Select the Add button to add a claim line.
  7. Fill out the following mandatory fields:
    • Date worked.
    • Department/Cost Centre.
    • Start Time.
    • End Time.
    • Reason.


    The drop-down menu in the Reason field, lists the reasons you can make a claim for unrostered overtime that you have worked without prior approval. If you are making a claim for unrostered overtime worked for any other reason, you should select other from the drop-down menu and insert the person who approved the overtime prior to it being worked and complete the additional details field.

  8. Fill out the following fields (if relevant):


    There are several criteria you need to verify to be eligible for a Meal Allowance. You are eligible for a meal allowance if you were not notified on or prior to your previous shift of the requirement to work such and the unrostered overtime was worked:

    • before 6am,
    • after 7pm and for at least one hour after the end of your normal shift end time,
    • after 2pm on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday.


    To add a Meal Allowance claim:

    1. Check the box within the Add Meal Allowance Claim column.
      This will open the following two columns.
    2. Select Yes or No from the Was a meal or meal voucher provided? dropdown field. If a meal or meal voucher was provided to you, you cannot claim a meal allowance
    3. Add the time (24hr) you were notified of the requirement to work the unrostered overtime into the following field – to be eligible you must have been notified at or after the commencement of the shift immediately preceding the overtime (for example, for overtime performed at the end of a shift, the requirement to work was only made known to you during that shift).
    4. Continue with your unrostered overtime claim.

    For more information, please refer to the Public Hospital Medical Officers (State) Award.

  9. Select the Additional Details to add any other additional information


    There are no limits to the number of claim lines added in a single claim.

  10. Select the Submit for Review button to submit your claim.

    Review and Confirm Details screen will open.
  11. Check the box and click the Submit for Validation button.

    You should see the message "Claim Submitted successfully" if your claim has been submitted successfully.
  12. Click the OK button to return to previous screen.


Submitting old claims

If you are intending to submit claims that are more than 3 months old, these must be discussed with your JMO administration unit and completed using a manual form. Please contact your local JMO administration unit for more information.


​​Video link UROC: How to ​make an unrostered overtime claim​​​​​

Other useful information

Please refer to JMO Unrostered and Call-back Claims user guide for more detailed information on creating claims. This guide can be found by select Help on your UROC JMO Dashboard.

All claims and declarations can be performed via the NSW Health UROC mobile app which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Current as at: Wednesday 8 May 2024