Epidemiology and evidence

Reliable and timely data on the health of the people of NSW.

Services and programs​​​​​

Data accessibility

We provide reliable and timely data on the health of the people of NSW to the public and to our stakeholders including researchers and health planners. De-identified data are provided using secure platforms.

This open data approach enables the viewing and use of trusted population health data and the associated metadata.

Data linkage and sharing

We source and link data collections to enable large-scale secure data sharing of de-identified data with researchers and policy makers.

We collaborate and facilitate data sharing activities within Health and across government to improve health and other government services.

Evidence generation and translation

We generate robust evidence through population health data collection, data linkage, research and evaluation, and strategic reporting.

We contribute to improved policy and service delivery through co-production, ongoing partnerships, and active communication and dissemination.

Rapid response

We support urgent responses by NSW Health to high priority situations.

We maintain and develop a workforce skilled in health program monitoring and evaluation, epidemiology, biostatistics, data management and linkage, information technologies and project management. This workforce can be quickly re-deployed to respond to emerging issues in population and public health.

Data to information

We apply statistical analytics to health and population data to interpret and transform it into actionable and credible population health information.

We create tools and applications to visualise and disseminate population health statistics to a wide range of users.

Capability building

We deliver specialist workplace training programs in population health and biostatistics.

We build the capacity and capability of NSW Health staff in health information data literacy, research and evaluation, and evidence translation.

Current as at: Tuesday 30 July 2024