Greywater diversion devices are not accredited by NSW Health.
There are two types of greywater diversion devices (GDD):
Gravity diversion device
A gravity diversion device incorporates a hand activated valve, switch or tap and is fitted to the outlet of the waste pipe of the plumbing fixture such as a laundry tub. Greywater is diverted directly to a sub-surface irrigation system in the garden.
Pump diversion device
A pump diversion device incorporates a surge tank to cope with sudden influxes of greywater for distribution of the greywater directly to a sub-surface irrigation system in the garden. The surge tank does not operate as a storage tank.
Approval to install and operate
Approval from the local council to install and operate a diversion device may not be required under Section 75A of the
Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, if the installation and operation meet certain conditions.
Certification of greywater devices
Greywater diversion devices are evaluated to the Water Mark Technical Specification WTS 460-2016 by Conformance Assessment Bodies. Certification to the technical specification for plumbing and drainage products is obtained by way of a WaterMark licence.