Keep food safe
During hot weather, food can spoil more quickly and become unsafe to eat. Bacteria and other pathogens can grow and spread easily at room temperature.
Eating contaminated food can make you very unwell. Depending on the cause, symptoms may include diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, aches and pains, and can sometimes be fatal.
To keep your food safe during hot weather:
- make sure you properly store any food that needs to be refrigerated
- defrost frozen foods in the fridge, not on the kitchen bench
- clean up food preparation areas after use to remove pathogens
- avoid over-crowding your fridge with leftovers as this can affect the temperature and increase risk of spoilage.
Food Authority of NSW for more information about keeping food safe during hot weather and their
handy checklist about safe food preparation.
For information on food safety in the event of a power outage see
Staying safe and healthy during extended power outages.
Manage your medications
- Most medications should be stored below 25 degrees Celsius.
- Only store medicine in the refrigerator if the label says so, or if your doctor or pharmacist has told you to.
- If you need to go out in hot weather, consider just taking the medicines you will need while you are out. Think about how you will keep these cool and dry.
- If unsure, ask your pharmacist about how your medication should be stored.
For information on managing medications in the event of a power outage see
Staying safe and healthy during extended power outages.
During and after a power failure
If a power failure affects your refrigerator or freezer there is a risk that some foods and medicines may become unsafe.
If you experience a power outage, make note of the time the power failed and keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible.
For more information visit
Staying safe and healthy during extended power outages.
It can be useful to keep a torch, radio (and batteries) and a first-aid kit handy.
Actions when hot weather is forecast
- If you have air-conditioning that is used for both heating and cooling, make sure it is set to cool.
- Stock up on food and drinks for your household and pets, and medicines to last the period of forecast hot weather so that you can avoid going out in the hottest part of the day.
- Fill ice trays in your freezer or put some cool-packs in the refrigerator or freezer.
Check in with family and friends who may be more at risk during hot weather to see if there is anything they might need to help them prepare.
- Consider how changes in weather might impact planned daily activities and exercise routines.
- Check alerts for roads and transport during extreme weather events and bushfires.
After the heat has passed
The strain of heat exposure, including disrupted sleep, can be felt after the hot weather has passed.
- Stay aware of your health in the days following hot weather and seek medical help if you feel unwell.
- Continue to drink plenty of water.
- Take time to rest and recover.
- Check on family and friends
who may be more at risk of the health effects of heat.
For more information and advice
For health information and advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week phone healthdirect on 1800 022 222.