Aboriginal environmental health scholarships

How to apply

Check your eligibility, gather your documents (resume and proof of Aboriginality) and submit an application anytime.

Apply now

About the scholarship

Study a bachelor degree in environmental health at your pace and have your university subject fees paid.

The scholarship is worth up to $30,000 for a full degree, potentially leaving you with no HECS-HELP debt.

Aboriginal environmental health scholarships are awarded each year for:

  • subject fees (successfully completed), reimbursed at the end of semester; and
  • $500 a year for student administration fees and tutoring costs (paid in two instalments of $250).

Scholarship recipients:

  • can study full or part time
  • will need to provide university result notices at the end of each semester
  • will need to apply for scholarship funding each year, but continuing recipients have priority for ongoing scholarship funds (conditional on enrolment confirmation and results).

Environmental Health Officers are in-demand with many job opportunities all over NSW and Australia.


An applicant must be:

Have questions, need help, more information?

Please email: NSWH-AEHU@health.nsw.gov.au

Current as at: Friday 16 June 2023
Contact page owner: Environmental Health