4,892 houses assessed
119,600 items fixed
20,330 people benefited
40% decrease in hospital admission for infectious diseases
The map below shows the location of all Housing for Health Projects within each local health district.
Note: ProjectName 2 and 3 indicates repetition of the project at the community.
Outcomes of the Housing for Health Program can be measured in terms of health and house function.
The results of each Survey Fix are recorded as part of every project, with the two surveys providing a before and after assessment of house function.
The results of NSW Health Housing for Health Projects are presented two yearly in HealthStats NSW - Healthy living practice indicators in Aboriginal houses. The graphs show the difference in the function of the houses at Survey Fix 1 and Survey Fix 2 and present the overall improvements in the houses.
For each of the critical healthy living practice indicators (listed along the side of the graph), there are a number of household hardware that must be working to achieve a maximum score. For example, Shower working, there are seven criterical items that must be working fully for the shower to meet the minimum standard. If only 6 out of 7 items are working, it is not considered OK. The graphs show only the percentage of houses where ALL of the criteria are met for each healthy living practice indicators.
Reference: Standen, Morgan, Sowerbutts and et al. Prioritising Housing Maintenance to Improve Health in Indigenous Communities in NSW over 20 years
Source: Environmental Health Branch, Health Protection NSW and Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health. Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence. HealthStats NSW. Sydney: NSW Ministry of Health Healthy living practice indicators in Aboriginal houses at Healthstats NSW.