Overarching plans

​NSW Health is guided by state and national emergency management plans and legislation to ensure all aspects of an emergency and are effectively managed from a health perspective.

National emergency management plans

The Australian Government has plans for both domestic and international emergencies:

NSW emergency management plans

The NSW State Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN) outlines New South Wales' approach to emergency management, the governance and coordination arrangements and roles and responsibilities of agencies. The plan is supported by hazard specific sub plans and functional area supporting plans:

  • NSW Health Plan (HEALTHPLAN)
    Details the health emergency management arrangements to ensure that health resources in NSW are effectively and efficiently coordinated in the event of emergencies through prevention, preparation, response and recovery.
  • Mental Health Services Supporting Plan
    Outlines the agreed roles and functions for the mental health services component of NSW Health being one of the five major contributing health service components that constitutes a whole of health response incorporating an all hazards approach.
  • NSW Health Public Health Supporting Plan to HEALTHPLAN
    Explains the public health emergency management arrangements in support of HEALTHPLAN and promotes effective coordination of public health resources during an emergency response.
  • NSW Health Influenza Pandemic Plan
    Provides guidance on a range of strategic response activities for NSW Health staff and agencies to effectively prepare for and respond to an influenza pandemic, in order to minimise the adverse health impacts on the NSW population and reduce the burden and disruption to health-related services in NSW.
  • Major Evacuation Centres: Public Health Considerations
    Provides guidance to NSW public health services regarding matters that may need to be considered in the establishment and monitoring of a major evacuation centre. It considers evacuation centre physical requirements and health protection and health promotion amongst evacuees.
  • Environmental Health Assessment Form for Evacuation Centres
    Assists centres and Environmental Health Officers with rapid assessment of major evacuation centre conditions during an emergency.

Supporting agencies

Related health services

Current as at: Friday 5 July 2024