Dried blood spot sample collection instructions

​​​​ Download
  1. Register online
    Computer with www.health.nsw.gov.au/dbstest in address bar  

    Go to Request a DBS test to get your validation code.

  2. Check kit contents
    Kit contents: test card, lancet (for pricking finger), alcohol swabs, band-aids, cotton balls, foil envelope, reply paid envelope 
  3. Write name, date of birth and validation code on test card
    Mobile phone with validation code 45678. A hand is writing the same numbers on a card. 

    Your validation code was sent to your phone or email.

  4. Wash hands with warm water
  5. Wipe finger with alcohol swab and allow to dry
  6. Prick finger with lancet
    • Twist off cap
    • Push hard against finger and push until it “clicks”
  7. Squeeze blood onto card
    • Large drop of blood into each circle.
    • Minimum 3 full spots required.
    • Hand drips blood onto card. Each circle in the card is then full of blood  

      Dried Blood Spot Collection Criteria

      A perfect collection has all 5 circles completely filled with blood. A rejected collection has blood dripped or dabbed on unfilled circles. 
  8. Wipe finger and apply band-aid
  9. Allow test card to dry
    For at least 4 hours  

    When dry, fold the flap of the test card over the blood spots.

  10. Pack test kit into foil envelope and reply paid envelope
  11. Post test kit

    Free postage – no stamp required

Need help?

Watch the video or call Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.


Current as at: Friday 13 December 2024
Contact page owner: Centre for Population Health