Cancer Institute NSW

Finalist: Keeping People Healthy Award


In NSW, 18–24-year-olds spend more time in the sun and protect their skin less than older adults. This places them at high risk of developing life-threatening skin cancers.

Cancer Institute NSW delivered a behaviour change campaign to motivate this hard-to-reach group to protect their skin from ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Guided by audience research, the campaign transformed UV radiation into a tangible and ever-present threat – millions of arrows descending from the sky. The campaign centred around the key message: “If You Could See UV, you would protect your skin”.

The “If You Could See UV” campaign was delivered over summers 2022/23 and 2023/24 across cinema, social media, outdoor and digital channels.

Campaign evaluation found that, among 18-24-year-olds that recognised the campaign:

  • 76% said the campaign video motivated them to protect their skin
  • 77% said they intended to protect their skin
  • 70% said they used sun protection when outdoors.

Cost-benefit analysis estimated that for every $1 invested in the campaign, a return of $16.30 is expected for NSW.

The “If You Could See UV” campaign demonstrates the value of a person-centred approach to tailor life-saving messages to young people, motivating them to stay healthy and well.​​


Current as at: Monday 23 September 2024