NSW Health funded alcohol and other drug (AOD) withdrawal management and residential rehabilitation services are available through public and non-government providers.
The services listed below are not emergency services. If you require urgent medical attention, contact or attend your local hospital or general practitioner, or call 000 for an ambulance.
Withdrawal management is the short-term medical and psychological care of a person experiencing withdrawal symptoms as a result of stopping or reducing use of their drug of dependence. Withdrawal management may also be known as detoxification or detox, and is provided in outpatient, inpatient and residential settings.
A full assessment of a person’s health and service needs is undertaken to determine how best to provide withdrawal management if needed.
Calvary Riverina Drug and Alcohol Centre, Calvary Health CareProvides residential withdrawal management and rehabilitation service for men and women.Location: Wagga WaggaContact: (02) 6932 6800
Corella Inpatient Withdrawal Unit, South Western Sydney Local Health DistrictInpatient withdrawal for men and women aged 18 years and overLocation: Fairfield, SydneyContact: Drug and Alcohol Central Intake, 1300 031 131
Gorman Unit, St Vincent’s Health NetworkInpatient withdrawal for men and women aged 18 years and over.Location: Darlinghurst, SydneyContact: (02) 9361 8080
Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Service (IDAS) at Royal North Shore Hospital, Northern Sydney Local Health DistrictInpatient withdrawal for men and women aged 18 years and overLocation: St Leonards, SydneyContact: Drug and Alcohol Central Intake, 1300 889 788
Inpatient Withdrawal Unit, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health DistrictInpatient withdrawal for men and women aged 16 years and overLocation: Kingswood, NepeanContact: Drug and Alcohol Central Intake, 1300 661 050
Inpatient Treatment Unit, Sydney Local Health DistrictInpatient withdrawal for men and women aged 18 years and over.Location: Concord, SydneyContact: Drug and Alcohol Central Intake, 1800 793 466
Jarrah House, Women’s Alcohol and Drug Advisory CentreResidential withdrawal management and rehabilitation for women with or without young children.Location: Malabar, SydneyContact: (02) 9661 6555
Inpatient withdrawal for men and women aged 18 years and overLocation: Belmont, NewcastleContact: Drug and Alcohol Central Intake, 1300 660 059
Maruma-li, Central Coast Local Health DistrictInpatient withdrawal for men and women aged 18 years and overLocation: Wyong, Central Coast Contact: Drug and Alcohol Central Intake, (02) 4394 4880
Milton Luger Detoxification Unit , Odyssey House NSW7-10 day residential withdrawal management for men and women.Location: Ingleburn, SydneyContact: 1800 397 739
Riverlands, Northern NSW Local Health DistrictInpatient withdrawal for men and women aged 18 years and over. Location: Lismore, Northern NSWContact: Drug and Alcohol Central Intake, (02) 6620 7608
Triple Care Farm, Mission Australia28 day residential withdrawal management for young people aged 16-24 years.Location: RobertsonContact: (02) 9219 2002
Watershed Withdrawal Management Lives Lived Well, Watershed Withdrawal Management Lives Lived WellResidential withdrawal management and rehabilitation for people aged 18 years and older. Location: Berkeley, IllawarraContact: 1300 727 957
William Booth House Recovery Services,The Salvation ArmyResidential withdrawal management and rehabilitation for men and women.Location: Surry Hills, Sydney Contact: (02) 9212 2322
Wyla Withdrawal , Lives Lived WellResidential withdrawal management for men and women 18 years and older. Location: Orange, Western NSWContact: 1300 727 957
Residential rehabilitation is the psychological care and support for people in an AOD-free residential community setting. Residential rehabilitation programs may be medium to long-term in duration (4 weeks to 12 months) and provide a range of support services such as individual and group counselling, physical health and well-being, and education and skills training. Some residential rehabilitation services provide programs for populations with specific needs, such as young people and women with children.
A full assessment of a person’s health and service needs is undertaken to determine how best to provide residential rehabilitation and if the service contacted is the best fit. Many residential rehabilitation services require people to have completed AOD withdrawal before admission to residential rehabilitation treatment.
Adele House, St Vincent de Paul Society 4-9 month residential rehabilitation for men over 18 years.Location: Coffs Harbour, Mid North Coast Contact: (02) 5776 0260
Calvary Riverina Drug and Alcohol Centre, Calvary Health CareResidential withdrawal management and rehabilitation service for men and womenLocation: Wagga WaggaContact: (02) 6932 6800
Dooralong Transformation Centre, The Salvation ArmyResidential rehabilitation for men and women.Location: Dooralong, Central CoastContact: (02) 9212 2322
EloueraLives Lived WellSix week residential rehabilitation for women 18 years and older, with or without children under the age of 12 years.Location: Orange, Western NSWContact: 1300 596 366
Freeman House, St Vincent de Paul Society 3-12 month residential rehabilitation for men and women over 18 years. Location: Armidale, New England Contact: (02) 6776 8117
Grow Residential Rehabilitation, Grow NSWResidential rehabilitation for adult men and women with coexisting drug and alcohol and mental health issues. Location: Hoxton Park, Western SydneyContact: (02) 9606 0579
Guthrie House, GuthrieThree month residential rehabilitation for women aged 18 years and over, with their accompanying babies. Location: Enmore, SydneyContact: (02) 9564 5977
Jarrah House, Women’s Alcohol and Drug Advisory CentreWomen’s Alcohol and Drug Advisory CentreResidential withdrawal management and rehabilitation for women with or without young children.Location: Malabar, SydneyContact: (02) 9661 6555
Kamira, Kamira5-7 month residential rehabilitation for women, 18 years and older, pregnant women and women with children. Location: Wyong, Central CoastContact: (02) 4392 1341
Kathleen York House, Alcohol and Drug Foundation NSWSix month residential program for women, 21 years and older, with or without children under the age of 12 years.Location: Glebe, SydneyContact: (02) 9660 5818
Kedesh Rehabilitation Services, KedeshEight week residential rehabilitation for people aged 16 years and older.Location: Berkeley, Illawarra Contact: (02) 4222 1800
Namatjira Haven2-9 month residential rehabilitation for Aboriginal men 18 years and older.Location: Alstonville, Northern NSWContact: (02) 6628 1098
Odyssey House, Odyssey House NSW9-12 month residential rehabilitation for men and women, based on a therapeutic community model. Odyssey also provides a residential Parent’s and Children’s Program for men and women with children up to 12 years of age.Location: Eagle Vale, SydneyContact: 1800 397 739
Oolong House, Oolong Aboriginal CorporationFour month residential rehabilitation tailored for Aboriginal men. Location: Nowra, South CoastContact: (02) 4422 0644
Phoebe House, Phoebe Six month residential program for women 20 years and older who are participating in the opioid treatment program (OTP) and have children under school age.Location: Arncliffe, SydneyContact: (02) 9005 1570
Program for Adolescent Life Management (PALM), Noffs FoundationThree month residential rehabilitation for young people aged 13-17 years.Location: Randwick, SydneyContact: (02) 9305 6235
The Buttery, The Buttery 3-6 month residential rehabilitation for men and women 20 years and olderLocation: Bangalow, Northern NSWContact: (02) 6687 1111
The Glen, Ngaimpe Aboriginal CorporationThree month residential rehabilitation for men aged 18 years and older, with a focus on Aboriginal men.Location: Chittaway Point, Central CoastContact: (02) 4388 6360
Watershed Rehabilitation Program Lives Lived Well, Watershed Rehabilitation Program Lives Lived WellResidential rehabilitation program for people aged 18 years and over. 6 week residential program with continuing care available via community based day program and supported transitional housing.Location: Berkeley, IllawarraContact: 1300 727 957
Wayback Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre, Wayback LimitedLong-term supported residential care for adult men.Location: Western SydneyContact: (02) 9633 4800
Weigelli Centre, Weigelli Aboriginal CorporationThree month residential rehabilitation for men and women aged 18 years and older, with a focus on Aboriginal people.Location: Cowra, Western NSWContact: (02) 6345 1868
WHOs Residential Therapeutic Programs, We Help Ourselves (WHOs)WHOs provide a range of residential rehabilitation programs for men and women, women only, and men only across several sites. People must be aged 18 years or older.Location: Sydney and Cessnock (Hunter Valley)Contact: (02) 8572 7444
William Booth House Recovery Services, The Salvation ArmyResidential withdrawal management and rehabilitation (Bridge Program) for men and women.Location: Surry Hills, SydneyContact: (02) 9212 2322
Wyla Residential, Lives Lived WellSix-week to 12-week residential rehabilitation for men and womenLocation: Orange, Western NSWContact: 1300 727 957