Question and answer guide 5 - AOD Treatment Access Expansion Grants

Applications close: 5pm 29 May 2023

Submit applications:

Administered by: Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs, NSW Ministry of Health

Type of grant: Open competitive

Reference number: DG23/413

Last updated: 16 May 2023

Further to the Q&A 4.1

The Aboriginal Health Impact Statement (Schedule G) has a word limit for the Summary section only - 200-300 words (page 17). Response to the three main questions in the Aboriginal Health Impact Statement are to be address the requirements within a word limit that is relevant to the proposed service delivery.

Most Treatment Access Expansion Grant response requirements in the grant application have a guide of up to 1,000 words. Organisations could consider applying this word guide to the three main questions in the Aboriginal Health Impact Statement.

Aboriginal community-controlled organisations are not required to complete Schedule G.

5.1 I'm seeking your clarification in relation to your response regarding the word limit guide for the Aboriginal Health Impact Statement
Could you please advise the guide of up to 1,000 word apply to each response to the following questions or the combined length of the three responses?
  1. The health context for Aboriginal people
  2. The potential impact of the policy, program or strategy on Aboriginal people including approaches to mitigate any potential undesired effects
  3. Engagement with Aboriginal people

There is no response word limit for the Aboriginal Health Impact Statement questions. Applicants may like to use a similar word guide to requirements in other Schedules, around 1,000 words per question.

5.2 The advice regarding submission of applications states:
Step 3. Submit the application
Organisations may submit applications anytime from the opening date of 3 April 2023 to the application closing date of 5 pm 29 May 2023. Applications must be submitted via email with subject line 'AOD Treatment Access Expansion Grants' to
However, given the substantial size of the applications is there an option to upload documents or provide in a way that will not exceed data limits on some email systems?

There isn't an option to upload documents. Please email applications to with the subject line of the email containing:

  • the grant you are applying for
  • And, if sending multiple emails (due to data limitations) for the same grant application, please include; email 1 of x, email 2 of x, email 3 x, etc (as needed).

Please consider utilising compressed zip files to send grant applications (this reduces the file size).

5.3 We have two questions in regards the Grant opportunities and word limits/diagrams:
  • Is it acceptable to include a small number of diagrams to demonstrate care pathways or other key service elements in addition to the written words?
  • Are words within diagrams included in the word count?

Diagrams, charts and graphs that assist in demonstrating key elements of proposed services can be included in applications, with text included as part of the total word guide.

More information

For further questions and answers, please see:

To submit further questions not already covered, please email questions to:

Current as at: Tuesday 16 May 2023