Question and answer guide 4 - AOD Treatment Access Expansion Grants

Applications close: 5pm 29 May 2023

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Administered by: Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs, NSW Ministry of Health

Type of grant: Open competitive

Reference number: DG23/413

Last updated: 05 May 2023

4.1 Could you please advise us on the word limit guide for the following questions in the Aboriginal Health Impact Statement form?
  1. The health context for Aboriginal people
  2. The potential impact of the policy, program or strategy on Aboriginal people including approaches to mitigate any potential undesired effects
  3. Engagement with Aboriginal people

The Aboriginal Health Impact Statement (Schedule G) has a word limit for the Summary section only - 200-300 words (page 17). Response to the three main questions in the Aboriginal Health Impact Statement are to be address the requirements within a word limit that is relevant to the proposed service delivery.

Most Treatment Access Expansion Grant response requirements in the grant application have a guide of up to 1,000 words. Organisations could consider applying this word guide to the three main questions in the Aboriginal Health Impact Statement.

Aboriginal community-controlled organisations are not required to complete Schedule G.

4.2 I am seeking clarification in relation to:
  1. Priority location – [what are] the preferred locations?
  2. Number of clients to be serviced annually?
  3. Is it preferred the organisation has existing experience in the residential rehabilitation space or can the organisation coordinate a clinical Day Rehabilitation program based in the community (not attached to a an already existing residential rehabilitation program)
  4. Delivered via telecare exclusively or preferred that both F2F and telecare are offered

  1. The Treatment Access Expansion Grants focus on service delivery for priority populations, including people in but not limited to, regional and rural locations. There are no preferred specific locations for the services. Applications must demonstrate need for the service in the proposed location/s.
  2. Applications are required to describe the estimated number of clients/consumers to be provided with the service based on the proposed model of care, activities, budget and other relevant variables. The Grant Opportunity Guideline has not identified a required number of clients to be provided with a service.
  3. It is not a requirement for organisations to have experience delivering residential rehabilitation to apply to deliver day rehabilitation services. Note: day rehabilitation services are not for delivery to clients of a residential setting. Day rehabilitation services may be delivered from the site of a residential rehabilitation service for non-residential clients only or from a separate site for for non-residential clients only.
  4. Package 3 (day rehabilitation and case management for people with dependent children) requires services to be delivered in person and/or through virtual care. Package 4 (community-based withdrawal management, case management and counselling for priority populations) requires services to be delivered in person and through virtual care. Package 5 (day rehabilitation and/or counselling with people aged 12-24 years) requires services to be delivered in person and/or through virtual care.

4.3 Our organisation is interested in applying for funding through the AOD Treatment Access Expansion Grant Package 5: Day rehabilitation and/or counselling with young people aged 12-24 years. Our question is as follows:
We are seeking to deliver psychosocial counselling services, rather than day rehabilitation. Could you please clarify if counselling must also be delivered 'over multiple sessions per week during the day and/or evening and for set periods of time, generally ranging from four to eight weeks per episode, delivered in person and/or through virtual care' or whether a more flexible model could be employed.

The requirement to deliver ‘multiple sessions per week during the day and/or evening and for set periods of time, generally ranging from four to eight weeks per episode, delivered in person and/or through virtual care' is for the delivery of day rehabilitation services. Organisations applying to deliver AOD psychosocial counselling services must demonstrate a suitable model of care and therapeutic program of up to six (6) months per episode of care delivered in person and/or through virtual care.

4.4 Are Aboriginal community controlled organisations that hold clinical accreditation other than the listed accreditation providers, eligible to apply for grants?

Current accreditation against the NSW Health approved accreditation standards for organisations delivering AOD treatment services is required (refer to list of standards). Organisations with current membership of an accrediting agency that demonstrate active and recent progress towards accreditation against NSW Health approved accreditation standards are eligible to apply.

An organisation that cannot demonstrate membership to an accrediting body for the purpose of the Health approved standards accreditation, and/or cannot demonstrate progress towards accreditation against the Health approved standards are not eligible.

Aboriginal community controlled organisations (or other organisations) that hold other clinical accreditation (such as RACGP Standards) but not NSW Health approved for AOD standards can indicate their membership with the accrediting agency that also accredits against the NSW Health approved standards and provide evidence that they have "active and recent progress towards accreditation", such as signing up for the approved standards.

More information

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Current as at: Friday 5 May 2023