NSW Clinical Guidelines: Treatment of Opioid Dependence 2018


These guidelines provide clinical guidance and policy direction for opioid treatment in NSW. They align with national directions and recommendations, and incorporate the latest clinical evidence.

The guidelines aim to:

  • improve access to opioid treatment by:
    • supporting the expansion of the NSW Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) into the primary care sector
    • increase involvement of general practitioners (GPs), non-government organisations (NGOs) and community pharmacies
  • personalise patient care by introducing a system that differentiates between those who have
    • low/moderate treatment needs and can be treated in community settings
    • complex/high treatment needs and should be referred to and treated in the specialist treatment sector
  • support more effective coordination of care across health services.

These guidelines are intended for use in generalist health settings (for example primary care, hospital, clinic or community settings) as well as specialised drug and alcohol / opioid treatment clinics.​

File Size: 2364 kb
Type: Guideline
Date of Publication: 23 July 2018
ISBN: 978-176000-818-5
SHPN: (OHMR)18000