Pre-hospital guideline: Illicit substance-induced dehydration

This is one of four Pre-hospital Guidelines NSW Health has prepared to guide clinical management and decision-making in the music festival context. The intended audience is healthcare professionals who provide clinical care onsite at music festivals. These will support the early identification of substance-induced toxicity, together with initiation of appropriate pre-hospital care and early transfer to tertiary health facilities.

Last updated: 27 August 2019

Dehydration results from an imbalance between fluid intake and output. It is exacerbated by high ambient temperature, increased or excessive exertion, decreased level of consciousness (LOC), increased metabolic rate, and raised body temperature. Patients who use illicit substances, particularly sympathomimetic drugs, are at increased risk of rapidly developing significant dehydration.

Early recognition and management of dehydration in patients with illicit substance toxicity is required to prevent progression to hypovolaemic shock.

Other pre-hospital guidelines
