AOD-Core 2 Organisation accreditation and clinical governance

NGO AOD performance indicator specifications for the ​​​AOD-Core 2 Organisation accreditation and clinical governance

Last updated: 21 June 2018
​AOD-Core 2 Organisation accreditation and clinical governance
​Version number ​1.0
​Descriptor Group A organisations maintain accreditation by a certified accrediting body against
NSW Health approved health and/or community service standards for alcohol and other drug treatment services.
Group A organisations are those organisations funded to provide:

  1. counselling, case management, continuing care and other support services at an amount greater than $200,000 per annum or where the funded service is part of a larger organisation, and/or
  2. residential rehabilitation treatment, and/or
  3. withdrawal management, and/or
  4. day rehabilitation p​​rograms.
Group B organisations establish and maintain a system of clinical governance which ensures clinical leadership and accountability, registration of staff qualifications, and pathways for clinicians to maintain expertise through supervision, training and support. Group B organisations are those organisations funded to provide:
  1. counselling, case management, continuing care and other support services at an amount equal to or less than $200,000 per annum, and
  2. where the funded service is part of a small organisation.
​Intended outcome ​Organisations, inclusive of the funded service, establish and demonstrate processes for corporate governance, operations and/or clinical governance, and apply continuous quality improvement.
​Data and evidence reporting requirements​

Group A organisations

  1. Current and valid organisation accreditation certificate against NSW Health approved health and community service standards for alcohol and other drug treatment services or
  2. Where the organisation does not hold accreditation against NSW Health approved health and community service standards for alcohol and other drug treatment services, the organisation is to demonstrate
    1. a contract with a certified accrediting body within six months of the funding contract c​ommencement, and
    2. an accreditation schedule to achieve organisation accreditation against NSW Health approved health and/or community service standards for alcohol and other drug treatment services within 24 months of funding contract commencement or amendment.

Group B organisations: Documented clinical governance policy and processes

​Reporting frequency ​Commencing 2019, organisations to report six (6) monthly no later than the 21st day of the month following the six month period of collection.
​Inclusions ​All non-government organisations funded by NSW Health for the delivery of alcohol and other drug treatment services.
​Exclusions ​Alcohol and other drug services funded by NSW Health other than treatment services, including those that are primarily educational or preventative.
​Related NSW Health policies and guidelines ​NSW Health Approved Organisation Accreditation Standards for NGOs Funded by NSW Health to Provide AOD Treatment Services – April 2018
Current as at: Thursday 21 June 2018