Communique April 2019

Communique April 2019

Reporting against the new core performance indicators - the first 6 months

The first round of six-monthly reporting against the 5 new core performance indicators for NGOs providing AOD treatment was completed in January 2019. This communique summarises the experience of NGO contract stakeholders and outlines further support for improvement.

The reported experience was mostly positive

  • Implementing the core performance indicators reduced the administrative burden on NGO contract stakeholders
  • Changing to six-monthly reporting cycles reduced reporting burden and was less time consuming
  • Implementation of new performance indicators provided NGO contract stakeholders with the opportunity for conversations about clinical safety and quality and review of existing performance indicators
  • The performance indicator templates were useful

We acknowledge the reported challenges

  • Some stakeholders were unclear on the expectations for trend analyses.
  • Some were unclear on how to manage and report clinical incidents.
  • Some had minor issues with using the reporting templates.

We will help to address these challenges

  • Improving our communication around reporting expectations.
  • Providing information and training on clinical incident management.
  • Reviewing the templates and providing examples of satisfactory reporting.

Resources are available

We encourage all NGO contract stakeholders to continue to refer to the following resources to clarify the performance indicator implementation and reporting requirements. Let us know if additional resources are needed.


The NGO Statewide AOD Working Group with representatives from contracted NGOs, LHDs, primary health networks, NADA and the Ministry continues to provide a forum to work through contracting improvements.

Contact us for further information about the Group or about improving contractual arrangement activities.

Current as at: Monday 26 September 2022