Figure 1

This figure represents ACCO’s, Aboriginal peoples and communities across NSW. The figure is situated at the top of the artwork and is a larger figure, to empower Aboriginal people, ACCO’s and the Aboriginal health workforce. It symbolise that Aboriginal people know what is best for them, and are best placed to provide holistic care for our people.



Figure 2

This figure represents NSW Health and the role they have to ensure that the vision for Closing the Gap is achieved through the Aboriginal Health Plan. It acts as a symbol for truth telling, healing and equity. It is a reminder for NSW Health to place Aboriginal culture and culturally safety practices at the centre of all health care across the sector.



Figure 3

These sticks symbolise NSW Health empowering ACCO’s to provide culturally safe environments, health practices and holistic healing for Aboriginal communities. The tools are situated in between the blue and pink figures to visually communicate this exchange in power, in return creating a transformative shift.



Figures 4

Our Elders and elements of Country are symbolised around the artwork, to acknowledge our old people and Country. Their teachings and ways of being are the foundations of healthcare and has sustained our health and cultural teachings for thousands of years. They are also included in the pink, green and blue figures to symbolise that their knowledge and attributes live within us.




Figures 5 and 6

These figures relate to all the moving parts of the Aboriginal Health Plan, how they are all interconnected.

Current as at: Friday 27 September 2024
Contact page owner: Centre for Aboriginal Health