Approving a partially approved roster - Tips for roster managers

​Are you a Roster Approver with staff who manage a roster that you are required to approve? 

Please refer to Approving a Partially Approved Roster​ for the pdf version.

Process and timeframes

Determine the process to partially and fully approve a roster & agree on timeframes when tasks are to be completed ensuring all parties have sufficient time to complete.

Schedule rostering events into calendar

Schedule events into calendar to allow for completion prior to agreed timeframes.

Check roster analyser

Review indicators for roster warnings, vacancies in demand (unfilled duties), additional requirements above budgeted roster requirements, staff unavailability and skill mix.​

Identify any unmet measures of success

Identify any measures of success that are not met.

Discuss queries

Liaise with the Roster Manager to understand the reasons for any decisions that you may choose to query and evaluate the reasons.

Review lessons learnt

Collaborate with Roster Manager, considering any lessons learnt and strategies that have worked previously to agree on best solution.

Follow process to update

Follow established process with the First (1st) Approver/Roster Manager to update the roster as agreed.

Fully approve

Fully approve the roster for publication so it is available for staff to view in Employee Online.​​​

Current as at: Wednesday 16 January 2019