This case study explains how Western NSW LHD (WNSWLHD) partnered with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to deliver the Rostering Proficiency Program to achieve some significant improvements through more effective rostering.
Rostering is a critical enabler to patient safety, quality of care, staff wellbeing and organisational efficiency. Yet it is complex, requiring managers to balance often competing demands. Recognising this, WNSWLHD in partnership with MoH embarked upon a rostering improvement initiative to improve rostering practice and upskill roster managers.
The initiative comprised a series of structured edcational webinars focused on different aspects of the rostering cycle underpinned by online training available via the NSW Health Rostering Capability Framework (RCF). Alongside this, roster managers received one-on-one coaching and support from a team of local rostering experts. Roster Managers embarked upon a 90-day challenge to demonstrate improved performance against key rostering metrics.
The initiative had strong sponsorship from the LHD Executive and facility managers which was critical in building momentum. Local expertise with an understanding of the rostering environment and specific challenges faced by roster managers was also invaluable in driving rostering improvements focused on individual roster characteristics.
WNSWLHD have recognised that to continue to achieve excellence in rostering, a commitment to continuous improvement is required. The WNSWLHD Rostering Proficiency Program is part of an ongoing effort to continue to develop and mature rostering capability across the LHD making use of the many rostering resources now available via the NSW Health Rostering Portal.
The WNSWLHD Rostering Proficiency Program has shown demonstrable improvements in the timeliness, quality and effectiveness of rostering. Proven that with executive commitment, local engagement and dedicated support, significant improvements in rostering outcomes can be made. Key outcomes include:
Go to NSW Health Rostering Portal or search for 'RCF' on MyHealth Learning.