Rostering - What's new?

​This fact sheet contains information on key rostering documents produced by the Ministry of Health. It also contains important links to resources consolidating all information on the Rostering Portal. For more information, please go to the Rostering Portal

Last updated: 16 September 2019

​Rostering Portal

The Rostering Portal has been designed to support the consolidation of information about Rostering in NSW Health. It contains the key rostering documents produced by the Ministry of Health and relevant links to resources and information produced by other Health agencies involved in Rostering including HETI, eHealth NSW and HealthShare NSW. For more information, please go to the Rostering Portal.

Framework for Rostering in NSW Health

The Framework for Rostering in NSW Health 2018-2023 provides information on the key initiatives that will play a part in maturing rostering practices across the State over the next five years, from increasing the skills and capabilities of our staff to improving processes and technology. The Framework for Rostering in NSW Health 2018-2023 is available on the Rostering Portal.

Rostering Capability Framework (RCF)

The RCF provides a range of accessible learning resources to develop rostering capability.

These include online learning modules and face to face training workshops aimed at developing the capability required to implement the rostering process. To access these modules, please go to MyHealth Learning and search ‘rcf’ for generic modules and ‘rcf medical’ for modules relating to medical rostering.

Tip Sheets and Implementation guides

Rostering Tip Sheets and Implementation Guides are available to support learners and mentors to develop customised learning pathways for individuals, based on their existing rostering capability and their learning needs. We recommend you start here if you or your staff ever have a learning need relating to rostering, as these documents will support you to determine how best to address the need.

Please contact the Workforce Planning & Talent Development at the Ministry of Health on for further information about these initiatives. ​