Manage roster requests and shift swaps - Implementation guide

The ‘Locating Rostering Resources’ tip sheet provides step by step instructions to access these resources.

Please refer to Manage Roster Requests and Shift Swaps for the pdf version.

Online modules

Go to MyHealth Learning and search ‘rcf’. Complete the following modules:

  • Manage Roster Requests
  • Manage Shift Swaps.

Rostering Resource Manual or your Health Agency’s Guidelines

Read the Roster Request Management guidelines.

Rostering Best Practice – Resources and links

Refer to the Pay Cycle Date Matrices for the relevant time period.

Refer to the Sample Roster Requests form.

Refer to the Sample Shift Swap form.

Industrial Awards

Access the relevant industrial award your staff are covered by to ensure the roster request can be approved whilst complying with the relevant award a staff member is covered by, for example consider:

  • minimum breaks between shifts
  • consecutive rostered days off
  • duration of shifts.

Skill mix

Refer to records of staff skills to ensure an appropriate skill mix if the roster request was approved.

Manager support

Speak to your Manager to confirm the process for Roster Requests in your Health Agency.

HealthRoster support materials

Access section 16.5 of the Roster Creation Management User Guide(available to NSW Health staff only) for instructions on how to swap duties. Select Ctrl+F and search for ‘request’ or ‘swap’ to locate information throughout the document.

Rostering information for staff booklet

Read the information relating to Roster Requests and Shift Swaps and ensure staff are aware of the information provided.

Current as at: Tuesday 10 July 2018