Hospital maternity service levels are used to group hospitals with similar characteristics for comparative reporting and service planning purposes (see Glossary and explanatory notes). In NSW in 2021, 53.0% of perinatal deaths were among babies born in maternity service level 6 hospitals. The percentage of perinatal deaths attributed to congenital abnormalities was higher among babies born in maternity service level 6 hospitals (37.2%) compared to all other hospital maternity service levels, reflecting patterns of referral for diagnosis and treatment. Maternity service level 6 hospitals had lower rates of unexplained antepartum fetal deaths (6.6%) compared to other hospital maternity service levels, possibly due to better access to perinatal post-mortem services.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Register (SAPHaRI). Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health.
Neonatal deaths comprise babies who were born and died in NSW, including babies who died after discharge or transfer from the hospital of birth. Maternity service levels are described in Explanatory notes.