Management of new cases of ARF and RHD

Following new acute rheumatic fever (ARF) or rheumatic heart disease (RHD) notifications, the LHD RHD Coordinator should collaborate with the Public Health Unit, the treating doctor, other clinicians involved in the case's care, and the case manager to ensure the patient is consented to the NSW RHD Register. A culturally appropriate health worker should also be involved in the response if needed.

The following steps should be undertaken:

  • contact the treating doctor to explain the role of the NSW RHD Register, provide information on ARF and RHD and prophylaxis as required
  • provide copies of or links to the consent forms, information brochure, video about the NSW RHD Register, registration form, patient factsheets and other resources as necessary
  • assist in obtaining consent from the patient or parent/guardian as appropriate. If the doctor is unable to follow-up with the patient to obtain consent, offer to arrange for the patient to be consented on the doctors’ behalf, with his/her permission. Consent can be obtained by the Coordinator or a different clinician involved with the case. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, consent should be sought with the support of Aboriginal Health Workers where possible
  • if consent is given, arrange for the consent form and registration form to be returned to the NSW RHD Coordinator
  • if no consent is given, ensure the treating doctor and patient/carer are aware of the recommendations within the RHDAustralia clinical guidelines for the management of ARF and RHD cases
  • ensure the treating doctor is aware of the RHD Australia clinical guidelines and provide the link to the guidelines if appropriate
  • identify an appropriate case manager and provide them with the relevant tools and resources to undertake this role
  • coordinate discharge planning for inpatients with hospital staff, including the identification of appropriate services to deliver follow-up as per the RHD Australia clinical guidelines
  • for patients identified as outpatients or those that have left hospital, provide the treating doctor with assistance to identify appropriate services to deliver follow-up as per the RHD Australia clinical guidelines
  • notify the NSW RHD Coordinator about the outcome of the consent process
  • support public health units in the delivery of the environmental health response.
Current as at: Friday 11 May 2018
Contact page owner: Communicable Diseases