NSW respiratory surveillance - COVID-19 and influenza

​​​​​​​Latest surveillance summary

COVID-19 and influenza are at a low level of activity. RSV is now at a moderate level of activity.

Epidemiological summary

Week ending 8 March 2025

COVID-19 and influenza activity remain at low levels. RSV activity has been increasing and is at a moderate level. Pertussis, or whooping cough, notifications have dropped over the last 3 months.

The NSW RSV prevention program​ which aims to reduce the burden of illness in infants has commenced. We are now providing more detailed information about unplanned emergency department presentations and admissions for bronchiolitis (Figure 3) and for RSV notifications (Figure 8) in young children.

Data sources and methods

NSW Health continually reviews the methods used to monitor respiratory virus activity in New South Wales. This is due to changes in testing, notification patterns and levels of respiratory virus, including COVID-19, in the community. These changes affect the usefulness of notifications for monitoring virus activity and community transmission over time. The Public Health, Rapid, Emergency and​ Syndromic Surveillance (PHREDSS) data, COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance Program, Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data and the NSW Sentinel Laboratory Network results are currently of most value for monitoring COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses of importance in the community. Public registration of positive COVID-19 rapid antigen tests (RAT) in NSW ceased on 30 September 2023. NSW Health also monitors COVID-19 outbreaks in residential aged-care facilities that are published by the Australian Government and COVID-19 antiviral prescriptions dispensed in NSW.

The data source for this report updates as new information becomes available. Therefore, this report cannot be directly compared to previous versions of the NSW Respiratory Surveillance Report or to previous reporting periods. For additional information on the data sources and methods presented within this report please refer to COVID-19 surveillance report data sources and methodology.

Current as at: Thursday 13 March 2025
Contact page owner: Epidemiology and Data Systems