NSW Health is working in close partnership with the Commonwealth to support residential aged care facilities as they manage a COVID-19 outbreak.Protocol to support joint management of a COVID-19 outbreak in a residential aged care facility in NSW
Protocol to support joint management of a COVID-19 outbreak in a residential aged care facility (RACF) in NSW was jointly developed by NSW Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health. It was first published on 23 June 2020 and last revised on 18 August 2022.
The protocol formalises the coordination of government support to a residential aged care provider in their management of a COVID-19 outbreak. The roles and responsibilities of all relevant parties, governance structures and escalation procedures are outlined with the intention that the protocol facilitates fast mobilisation of required government support to an aged care provider in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak.
The primary objectives of this protocol are to optimise care for all residents in impacted RACFs (regardless of their COVID-19 status) and to contain and control the outbreak to bring it to an end as quickly and safely as possible.
Guidance for Residential Aged Care Facilities on the public health management of Acute Respiratory Infections
Guidance for Residential Aged Care Facilities on the public health management of Acute Respiratory Infections (including COVID-19 and Influenza) provides guidance to Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) on the management of exposures, single cases and outbreaks of acute respiratory infections (ARI) including COVID-19, influenza and other viral respiratory infections.