The orthotists and prosthetists workforce deliver high quality services for the provision of orthoses and prostheses to NSW residents. The orthotists and prosthetists workforce has been identified as a 'small but critical workforce' under the NSW Health Professionals Workforce Plan 2012-2022. In 2015, a rapid review was brokered by the Sax Institute on behalf of the NSW Health Workforce Planning and Development branch, to provide evidence on five research questions pertaining to workforce planning for orthotists and prosthetists. The scope of the questions were structured around understanding the role that orthotists and prosthetists and technical support staff play in the health system and whether the current model of care for orthotists and prosthetists services is appropriate for current and future demands.
The final report Evidence Check: Orthotists and Prosthetists Workforce Planning has been published which provides an overview of key findings in relation to current and emerging issues impacting on this important workforce.