Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working for NSW Health are encouraged to check their status is reflected appropriately in StaffLink. Employees can voluntarily update these details directly in the Equal Employment Opportunity section of StaffLink at any time with no supporting documentation required.
StaffLink definition: An Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who identifies and is accepted as such by the community in which they live or work.
This information is handled carefully to allow Aboriginal people to choose to link with local health service development, cultural, career and community information and resources where available. NSW Health also relies on this information after all personal details have been removed to report on workforce demographics and in turn respond to any changes through broader planning and support.
NSW Health supports an equitable approach to employing people who have experienced discrimination and / or disadvantage. This ensures that the workforce reflects the community who are at greater risk of adverse health. To achieve an equal outcome, support is required to build the number of people with the skills needed for individuals, families, the community and the organisation to achieve the best possible health outcomes.
All new staff members are asked to identify their Equal Employment Opportunity status when starting a role in NSW Health. Current staff can also update their EEO profile directly in StaffLink, or indirectly through a member of their local Human Resources team.
De-identified aggregated staff data is provided to NSW Ministry of Health by Local Health Districts, Specialist Health Networks and Pillars to report on progress against EEO targets. NSW Health in turn provides whole of system data to the NSW Public Service Commission to enable a state-wide review of all public agency outcomes on EEO targets.
Local Health Districts, Specialist Health Networks and Pillars can use de-identified aggregated staff data to identify areas to focus recruitment and retention efforts according to both staff and client drivers, such as:
For more guidance on how this is used please contact your local Aboriginal Manager of Workforce Development from the Contacts page of the Stepping Up website, or e-mail the NSW Health Aboriginal Workforce Unit on MOH-aboriginalworkforce@health.nsw.gov.au.
All staff are encouraged to check and update their EEO details in StaffLink via the NSWH Employee Self Service menu, then navigate to Other Personal Information and Equal Employment Opportunity.
If any technical issues arise these can be addressed using the SARA portalor by phoning the State-wide Service Desk on 1300 28 55 33.