1. Make your first request
If you decide to use voluntary assisted dying, you need to ask a doctor to help you. We call this your first request. |
No one else can make the first request for you. |
But you can use an interpreter if you need support to communicate with your doctor. |
An interpreter is someone who:
You don’t need to find an interpreter. Your doctor will do this for you. |
Only people with the right training can be your interpreter. |
Your interpreter cannot be a person from your family. |
You must be clear when you ask the doctor for voluntary assisted dying. |
The doctor will let you know if they accept your first request. |
Sometimes a doctor might say no to your first request. |
This could be because they: |
A doctor might also say no to your first request because they don’t support voluntary assisted dying. |
If a doctor tells you no, you can make a first request with a different doctor. |