Youth Aftercare Pilot

On this page

What is the Youth Aftercare pilot?

The Youth Aftercare Pilot is a support service for children and young people aged under 25 following significant suicidal ideation, self-harm or a suicide attempt.

The service, also known as, is also available to carers and families.

The pilot service is available in:

  • Bankstown
  • Blacktown
  • Coffs Harbour
  • Tamworth.

Youth and peer workers will provide:

  • help to address immediate needs and goals
  • support to build resilience, mental health and wellbeing
  • practical and psychosocial interventions
  • consideration of social, cultural, educational and environmental situations.

Support may also include:

  • developing coping and problem-solving skills
  • strengthening relationships with family and friends
  • building positive connections to community
  • identifying education or work opportunities
  • managing addiction
  • finding secure housing.

Where to get help

Anyone can refer a child or young person to the Youth Aftercare Pilot program. To refer or for more information:

Call: 1300 426 4373 (1300 IAM HERE)

If you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call

If it is an emergency, call 000 or go to the nearest hospital emergency department.

About the Youth Aftercare Pilot initiative

The "" Youth Aftercare support services are delivered by New Horizons in the communities of Blacktown, Bankstown, Tamworth and Coffs Harbour.

The service is based on the Wayback Aftercare model for adults. These pilots will explore and evaluate ways to improve services, engagement and trust – specifically with 'at risk' children and young people.

The two metro and two regional pilot locations reflect diverse communities and environments. They will provide information and evidence on how to develop the service in general and specific to local needs.

The service program is continually being improved and is co-developed with peak bodies, mental health experts and, most importantly, young people with a lived experience of suicide and their families.

This ensures the service continues to be relevant, accessible and effective in engaging children and young people while helping to inform future service delivery for this priority group.

The Youth Aftercare Pilot initiative is jointly funded by the NSW Government and the Commonwealth Health Innovation Fund. It may complement other support available in the community, including the health and education systems, and social services.

News and media about the Youth Aftercare Pilot initiative

Aftercare pilot program is young at heart

Current as at: Monday 15 August 2022
Contact page owner: Mental Health