NSW Suicide Monitoring System


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NSW Health acknowledges that behind the data are people deeply affected by suicide.

On this page

What is the NSW Suicide Monitoring System?

The NSW Suicide Monitoring System reports on suicides in NSW. It includes data on suspected and confirmed suicides.

Working together on this system are:

  • NSW Ministry of Health
  • Department of Communities and Justice
  • the State Coroner
  • NSW Police.

The data allows communities, local organisations and government agencies to assess and respond to suicide more quickly and effectively.

How is the data collected?

All suicides and suspected suicides are reported by Police to the State Coroner. The Coroner conducts a detailed enquiry to determine whether or not the manner of death is suicide.

Data of suicides and suspected suicides is collected from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice’s information system. The data about suspected suicides is an estimate.

How often is the data published?

NSW Suicide Monitoring reports are published about eight weeks from the last day of the reporting month. This time allows for processing, validation and updating of data and preparation of reports and approvals.

About the NSW Suicide Monitoring System initiative

The NSW Suicide Monitoring System was established in October 2020. The initiative aims to improve the quality and integration of suicide-related data across NSW.

NSW Health continues to work with stakeholders to produce monthly NSW Suicide Monitoring System Reports that can help communities, local organisations and government agencies respond to suicide more effectively.

Suicide monitoring reports

2024 reports



Past Reports




The data for suicide deaths may vary from month to month, particularly when examining sub groups or smaller regions.

Caution is advised against over-interpretation of suicide trends using monthly data alone.

NSW Health advises all local planning be based on robust, long-term data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics or the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Mindframe media guidelines

NSW Health supports the use of the Mindframe guidelines on responsible, accurate and safe suicide reporting. Please consider these guidelines when reporting on data from the NSW Suicide Monitoring System.

Current as at: Friday 28 February 2025
Contact page owner: Mental Health