NSW Health Tobacco Strategy Work Plan 2019-2021


​The NSW Health Tobacco Strategy Work Plan 2019-2021 has been developed to support the implementation of the NSW Tobacco Strategy 2012-2021. The plan focuses on 

  • addressing tobacco smoking in priority populations including: 
    • Aboriginal people
    • pregnant women
    • young people 
    • people with mental illness
  • protecting people from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke
  • enhancing and integrating smoking cessation into routine clinical practice to help smokers quit and stay quit. 

The plan provides guidance for NSW Health and stakeholders in implementing tobacco control initiatives. ​​

File Size: 3175 kb
Type: Strategy, Plan
Date of Publication: 28 June 2019
ISBN: 978-1-76081-145-7
SHPN: (CPH) 190267