Smoking and vaping harms your health and can harm the health of those around you. One of the best things you can do for your health is to break the cycle and quit smoking or vaping.
It is possible to quit smoking and vaping. Quitting can be hard, but there is help available. You are more likely to quit successfully if you have help from a health professional.
This page provides information on health harms and reasons to quit, including practical tips for you and your mob.
Factsheets and videos for Aboriginal young people
These factsheets and videos were co-designed with Aboriginal young people and developed by The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use.
Find out what vaping and smoking does to your body and where you can get help to quit.
How vaping can damage your health - Watch this short video developed with young Aboriginal people to learn how you can quickly become addicted to vaping and how it can damage your health.
How smoking can ruin your health - Watch this short video developed with young Aboriginal people to encourage young people to break the cycle of smoking.
Getting support to quit smoking or vaping
Have a yarn with your doctor (GP), Aboriginal Health Worker, or other health services to help you quit smoking or vaping.
iCanQuit website provides online support.
The NSW Aboriginal Quitline (call 137 848) provides an individually tailored and culturally sensitive service to Aboriginal callers.
For more information on quit support and practical ways to quit vaping visit Quit Vaping Factsheet.
Stop smoking booklets
These booklets give tips for different stages of quitting. Order these booklets for free using the Aboriginal stop smoking booklet order form.

Other resources
National Tackling Indigenous Smoking program for a range of resources and information to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by reducing the prevalence of tobacco and e-cigarette use.
First Nations vaping resources: Lung Foundation - Videos and factsheets about how vaping can affect your health, the environment and those around you.