Cycling Connecting Communities


The Cycling Connecting Communities Project asked the research question "Can a new cycling facility and multi-strategy community-based intervention increase the level of cycling and physical activity at a community level among residents living in the area around the cycleway?" The project evaluation consisted of a baseline survey and a follow-up survey of a cohort of residents in the intervention area (Fairfield and Liverpool), as well as a socio-demographically similar area (Bankstown), both with similar bicycle infrastructure. Bicycle counters were placed on the main bicycle paths in both the intervention and comparison areas to monitor daily bicycle use. The project was funded by the Health Promotion Demonstration Research Grants Scheme.​

File Size: 1544 kb
Type: Report
Date of Publication: 30 September 2010
ISBN: 978-1-74187-460-0
SHPN: (SRBD)100132