Subject index - U

United Kingdom

Title Authors Year Vol. Issue
Developing an environmentally sustainable NHS: outcomes of implementing an educational intervention on sustainable health care with UK public health registrars Kate E Charlesworth, Sumantra Ray, Fiona Head, David Pencheon 2012 23 1-2
Comparison of the dental health of adults and children living in NSW with their counterparts in the US and UK Anthony S Blinkhorn 2009 20 3-4
Health sector leadership in mitigating climate change: experience from the UK and NSW David Pencheon, Chris E Rissel, Glen Hadfield, D Lynne Madden 2009 20 11-12
Health impact assessments in London: assessing the London Mayoral strategies Caron Bowen 2007 18 9-10
Improving the health of children in NSW: a view from the United Kingdom Nick Spencer 2000 11 5
Planning for better health - the Welsh way Wayne Salvage 1993 4 10

United Nations

Title Authors Year Vol. Issue
The Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World: what is it all about? Chris E Rissel 2005 16 9-10

United States

Title Authors Year Vol. Issue
Comparison of the dental health of adults and children living in NSW with their counterparts in the US and UK Anthony S Blinkhorn 2009 20 3-4
Inspiration from the US: the US Health Care Forum's Healthier Communities Summit George L Rubin 1996 7 12
Improving health in the USA J Michael McGinnis 1995 6 7
Opportunities in the United States Jeremy M McAnulty 1991 2 7

urban agriculture

Title Authors Year Vol. Issue
Functional foods and urban agriculture: two responses to climate change-related food insecurity Jane M Dixon, Kelly J Donati, Lucy L Pike, Libby Hattersley 2009 20 1-2

urban design

See urban health

urban health

Title Authors Year Vol. Issue
The Healthy Built Environments Program: a joint initiative of the NSW Department of Health and the University of NSW Susan M Thompson, Andrew Whitehead, Anthony G Capon 2010 21 5-6
Active travel: a climate change mitigation strategy with co-benefits for health Chris E Rissel 2009 20 1-2
Functional foods and urban agriculture: two responses to climate change-related food insecurity Jane M Dixon, Kelly J Donati, Lucy L Pike, Libby Hattersley 2009 20 1-2
Urbanism, climate change and health: systems approaches to governance Anthony G Capon, Emma S Synnott, Sue Holliday 2009 20 1-2
Public health and regulation of the built environment Stephen J Corbett 2008 19 11-12
Creating healthy, just and eco-sensitive cities Anthony G Capon, Jane M Dixon 2007 18 3-4
Report on the health impact assessment of the Sydney Metropolitan Strategy in greater western Sydney 2007 18 3-4
Will considerations of environmental sustainability revitalise the policy links between the urban environment and health? Anthony J McMichael 2007 18 3-4
Developing a national approach to building healthy and sustainable cities Renate Howe 2007 18 3-4
A social-ecological perspective on health in urban environments Allen Kearns, Matthew Beaty, Guy Barnett 2007 18 3-4
Checklist for healthy and sustainable communities Anthony G Capon, Edward J Blakely 2007 18 3-4
Health impact assessment in urban settings Patrick J Harris, Ben F Harris- Roxas, Lynn A Kemp 2007 18 9-10
Influencing urban environments for health: NSW Health's response Sarah V Thackway, Andrew J Milat, Elizabeth Develin 2007 18 9-10
International perspective on health impact assessment in urban settings Salim Vohra 2007 18 9-10
Health impacts of urban development: key considerations Anthony G Capon 2007 18 9-10
A planner's perspective on the health impacts of urban settings Susan Thompson 2007 18 9-10
Bungendore health impact assessment: urban development in a rural setting Andrew J Gow, Lorraine G Dubois 2007 18 9-10
Greater Granville Regeneration Strategy Kay Tennant, Christine Newman 2007 18 9-10
A health impact assessment of the Liverpool Hospital redevelopment Michelle L Maxwell 2007 18 9-10
Rapid versus intermediate health impact assessment of foreshore development plans Susan E Furber, Erica Gray, Ben F Harris-Roxas, Leonie M Neville, Carolyn L Dews, Sarah V Thackway 2007 18 9-10
Health and social impact assessment of the South East Queensland Regional Plan (2005-2026) Kate J Copeland, Andrea M Young 2007 18 9-10
Lessons in applying health impact assessment to regeneration schemes: the Victorian experience Jessica McCormick 2007 18 9-10
Greater Christchurch Draft Urban Development Strategy 2005 Anna Stevenson, Karen Banwell, Ramon Pink 2007 18 9-10
Health impact assessments in London: assessing the London Mayoral Strategies Caron Bowen 2007 18 9-10
An overview of the regulatory planning system in NSW: identifying points of intervention for health impact assessment and consideration of health impacts Patrick J Harris, Ben F Harris- Roxas, Elizabeth Harris 2007 18 9-10
Building health impact assessment capacity as a lever for healthy public policy in urban planning Jenny L Hughes, Lynn A Kemp 2007 18 9-10
Channelling Edwin Chadwick; beyond utopian thinking in urban planning policy and health Stephen J Corbett 2007 18 9-10
Health impact assessment and urbanisation: lessons from the NSW HIA Project Patrick J Harris, Ben F Harris-Roxas, Elizabeth Harris, Lynn A Kemp 2007 18 9-10
Healthy, just and eco-sensitive cities: moving forward Jane M Dixon, Anthony G Capon 2007 18 11-12
Seeing obesity as a systems problem Barry Newell, Katrina Proust, Robert Dyball, Phil McManus 2007 18 11-12
Too busy: why time is a health and environmental problem Lyndall Strazdins, Bernadette Loughrey 2007 18 11-12
'Crowded suburbs' and 'killer cities': a brief review of the relationship between urban environments and mental health Helen L Berry 2007 18 11-12
Healthy by Design: an innovative planning tool for the development of safe, accessible and attractive environments Emma Sutherland, Rachel Carlisle 2007 18 11-12
Public health and the potential benefits of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Paul Cozens 2007 18 11-12
Can the impact on health of a government policy designed to create more liveable neighbourhoods be evaluated? An overview of the RESIDential Environment Project Billie Giles-Corti, Matthew Knuiman, Terri J Pikora, Kimberley Van Neil, Anna Timperio, Fiona CL Bull, Trevor Shilton, Max Bulsara 2007 18 11-12
Differences in the epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease, metropolitan NSW, 1997–2001 Peter B McIntyre, Robin Gilmour, Michael Watson 2003 14 4-5
The Australian Study of Health and Relationships: results for central Sydney, inner-eastern Sydney, and NSW Chris E Rissel, Anthony Smith, Juliet Richters, Andrew Grulich, Richard de Visser 2003 14 7
Addressing disadvantage and health: the Mount Druitt Pilot Study Ann Gethin 2003 14 7
But you don’t have to live here! Risk assessment and contaminated sites: a case study Alison Rutherford 2003 14 8
Community involvement and self-rated health status: findings from a cross-sectional survey in Central Sydney Li Ming Wen, Chris E Rissel, Alex Voukelatos, Peter Sainsbury 2003 14 11-12
Ross River virus in Western Sydney: a serological survey Lisa Allchin, Helen Ptolemy, George Truman, Krishna Hort 2003 14 11-12
Current as at: Wednesday 6 August 2014