Author index - P

Pakchung, David

Title YearVolume
Investigation of a typhoid notification19912

Paraskevopoulos, Paul

Title YearVolume
Introducing a NSW vessel inspection program for cruise ships200011

Parkhill, Nicolas

Title YearVolume
HIV in NSW in 2010: sustaining success in an evolving epidemic201021

Parter, Carmen

Title YearVolume
How can we do things differently in Aboriginal health? The same challenges seen through new eyes201223
Developing an Aboriginal Health Plan for NSW: the consultation process201223
Building a strategic approach to improve Aboriginal health research and evaluation in NSW201223

Passey, Megan E

Title YearVolume
Another opportunity for prevention: assessing alcohol use by women attending breast screening services
in Lismore, NSW
The Mull Hypothesis: is cannabis use contributing to high tobacco use prevalence among young
North Coast males?

Passmore, Erin

Title YearVolume
EpiReview - Meningococcal disease in NSW, 1991-2011: trends in relation to meningococcal C
Ongoing transmission of tuberculosis in Aboriginal communities in NSW201324
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Meningococcal disease201223

Paterson, Beverley J

Title YearVolume
A review of the epidemiology and surveillance of viral zoonotic encephalitis and the impact on human
health in Australia

Paterson, Jennifer

Title YearVolume
Typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Western Sydney Local Health District, NSW, January-June 2011201223
Managing a cluster of cryptosporidiosis associated with a public swimming pool200617

Paterson, Kathy

Title YearVolume
Promotion, prevention and early intervention in mental health: two new national documents200112
Getting in early: a framework for early intervention and prevention in mental health for young people
in New South Wales

Patterson, Alan

Title YearVolume
The relationship between oral health and systemic health is not well understood199910
Evidence-based oral health planning199910
Fluoride: benefits far outweigh the risks19934

Patterson, Jillian A

Title YearVolume
Reporting postpartum haemorrhage with transfusion: a comparison of NSW birth and hospital data201424
Eye health services for Aboriginal people in the western region of NSW, 2010201223

Paul, Christine L

Title YearVolume
Provision of smoking care in NSW hospitals: opportunities for further enhancement200819
Managing nicotine dependence in NSW hospital patients200415

Pearse, Jim

Title YearVolume
The NSW Health Resource Distribution Formula and health inequalities200213

Pencheon, David

Title YearVolume
Developing an environmentally sustainable NHS: outcomes of implementing an educational intervention
on sustainable health care with UK public health registrars
Health sector leadership in mitigating climate change: experience from the UK and NSW200920

Penman, Andrew

Title YearVolume
Regulation for chronic disease control: the pathfinder role of tobacco200819
The role of economic analysis in policy making—a tobacco control case study200516
Environmental carcinogen control in Australia: the need for a strategy200213
Advocacy for tobacco control200112
Sydney 2000 – challenges and rewards19989

Pennel, Darlene

Title YearVolume
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999199910

Penny, Ronald

Title YearVolume
Containing HIV in NSW: a world class success200314

Perez, Donna A

Title YearVolume
Knowledge and beliefs about alcohol consumption, longer-term health risks, and the link with cancer
in a sample of Australian adults
Smokers respond to anti-tobacco mass media campaigns in NSW by calling the Quitline200819

Perez-Velez, Carlos M

Title YearVolume
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis in children201324

Perkins, David A

Title YearVolume
The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: building collaborative population health research
in rural and remote NSW

Persson, Lina

Title YearVolume
Notifiable diseases database system: review and development strategy200415

Peters, Bryce

Title YearVolume
Overview of the public health implications of cockroaches and their management200415
A survey of bedbugs in short-stay lodges200415

Peters, Rebecca

Title YearVolume
Firearm injury and death in NSW199910

Petsoglou, Con

Title YearVolume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis: an outbreak in NSW200617

Phelan, Claire

Title YearVolume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Dental caries in children201021
Child Dental Health Survey 2007: a snapshot of the oral health status of primary school-aged children
in NSW

Phillips, Rosemary

Title YearVolume
How does tele-learning compare with other forms of education delivery? A systematic review of
tele-learning educational outcomes for health professionals

Phin, Nicholas

Title YearVolume
Effectiveness into practice199910

Pholeros, Paul

Title YearVolume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Infectious disease management for Aboriginal children of Far West NSW201324

Pickett, Mary-Kate

Title YearVolume
Older women’s wellness199910

Pike, Lucy L

Title YearVolume
Functional foods and urban agriculture: two responses to climate change-related food insecurity200920

Pike, Rhana

Title YearVolume
Evidence, effectiveness and efficiency in breast cancer research200011

Pikora, Terri J

Title YearVolume
Can the impact on health of a government policy designed to create more liveable neighbourhoods
be evaluated? An overview of the RESIDential Environment Project

Pink, Ramon

Title YearVolume
Greater Christchurch Draft Urban Development Strategy 2005200718

Pitman, Catherine NM

Title YearVolume
Challenges for the laboratory before and during an influenza pandemic200617

Plant, Aileen J

Title YearVolume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Outbreaks: the past, present and future200516

Plumridge, Keith

Title YearVolume
Swimming Pools Act 1992: regulation and compliance in Newcastle, NSW19967

Plunkett, Angela

Title YearVolume
Should we screen for colorectal cancer?19945

Poder, Anton

Title YearVolume
Heroin use and related harm in NSW: results from the National Drug Strategy Household Survey200011
Licit and illicit drug use in NSW199910

Polkinghorne, Benjamin G

Title YearVolume
Big Breakfast in the Bulletin - Respiratory syncytial virus201122
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza201021

Pollachini, Christine

Title YearVolume
Make a Move: enhancing falls prevention through working in partnership200213

Pontivivo, Giulietta

Title YearVolume
Value of a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay for Norwalk-like viruses in the investigation
of institutional gastroenteritis outbreaks

Pope, Suzanne

Title YearVolume
Multicultural Family Help Kit200011
Prevention interventions for child and adolescent mental health: NSW resource document200011
Improving the health of children in NSW: mental health issues for children19989

Potter, Sarah M

Title YearVolume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Biosecurity and infectious diseases201021

Potter-Forbes, Mary

Title YearVolume
The cost of injury in NSW: a risk management framework200213

Poulos, Roslyn

Title YearVolume
Building capacity in injury research transfer200516

Prestage, Garrett P

Title YearVolume
Gay men: current challenges and emerging approaches in HIV prevention201021

Proust, Katrina

Title YearVolume
Seeing obesity as a systems problem200718

Pryde, Laurie C

Title YearVolume
Possible case of human brucellosis19945

Pryor, Wendy

Title YearVolume
The health care disadvantages of being obese200213

Psaromatis, Mary

Title YearVolume
Safety-First in Ryde199910

Ptolemy, Helen C

Title YearVolume
Environmental health risk assessment of nickel contamination of drinking water in a country
town in NSW
Ross River virus in Western Sydney: a serological survey200314

Puech, Michele

Title YearVolume
NSW area health service health status profiles199910
Strategy for population health surveillance in NSW19989
Evaluation of the 1996 Chief Health Officer's Report19978

Purcell, Kate

Title YearVolume
Smoking and women199910

Pym, Margaret

Title YearVolume
Report of the NSW Midwives Data Collection 199419956
The NSW Midwives Data Collection 1990 19923

Current as at: Tuesday 29 July 2014