Author index - N

Nash, Hayley

Title Year Volume
Making a noise about suicide: a community development approach 1999 10

Nathan, Sally

Title Year Volume
Capacity building for international health gains 2000 11

Naylor, Carlie-Jane

Title Year Volume
Evaluation of three population health capacity building projects delivered by videoconferencing in NSW 2009 20
Enabling the NSW Health workforce to provide evidence-based smoking cessation advice through
competency-based training delivered via video conferencing
2008 19
Use of communication technology among public health professionals in NSW, Australia 2007 18
Future directions for the Bulletin 2007 18
The new subject index for the NSW Public Health Bulletin 2006 17
Bug Breakfast on the NSW Health intranet 2005 16
Capacity Building Infrastructure Grants workshop 2004 15

Neville, Leonie M

Title Year Volume
Rapid versus intermediate health impact assessment of foreshore development plans 2007 18
Health impact assessment case study: working with local government to obtain health benefits 2005 16
EpiReview: Communicable enteric disease surveillance, NSW, 2000–2002 2004 15
Self-reported risk factors and management strategies used by people with diabetes mellitus identified
from the 1997 and 1998 NSW Health Surveys
2004 15

Neville, Sarah E

Title Year Volume
Newborn feeding practices at the time of discharge from hospital in NSW in 2007: a descriptive study 2009 20

Newberry, Glynis

Title Year Volume
Priority setting in dentistry: putting teeth into the process 1999 10

Newell, Barry

Title Year Volume
Seeing obesity as a systems problem 2007 18

Newman, Christine

Title Year Volume
Greater Granville Regeneration Strategy 2007 18

Nguyen, Ru

Title Year Volume
Firearm injury and death in NSW 1999 10
The NSW Midwives Data Collection 1990 1992 3
Medical retrievals to tertiary referral centres in Sydney 1992 3

Nicholl, Michael

Title Year Volume
Development of a maternity hospital classification for use in perinatal research 2012 23

Nicholls, Carley

Title Year Volume
Vision 2020: The Right to Sight—Australia 2001 12

Nielsen, Ben

Title Year Volume
Moving towards a statewide approach to court diversion services in NSW 2003 14
Court diversion in NSW for people with mental health problems and disorders 2002 13
Males and mental health: a public health approach 2001 12

Nirui, Meredith

Title Year Volume
Childhood injury surveillance: the value of emergency department data 1999 10

Nixon, Clare

Title Year Volume
Immunisation census of the 1992 school intake in central and southern Sydney 1993 4

Noller, Jennifer M

Title Year Volume
Oral health promotion in NSW 2013 24
Models of smoking cessation brief interventions in oral health 2013 24
An evaluation of dental information sessions provided to childcare educators in NSW in 2010-2011 2013 24

Norman, Richard

Title Year Volume
An economic evaluation of community and residential aged care falls prevention strategies in NSW 2011 22

Norris, Tom F

Title Year Volume
Recent substance use and high levels of psychological distress among secondary school students
in NSW
2007 18

Nossar, Victor

Title Year Volume
Can the Families First initiative contribute to reducing health inequalities? 2002 13
Directions for child health in the 21st century 2000 11
Improving the health of children in NSW 1998 9
Monitoring child health 1998 9
Strategies to achieve health gains for children 1998 9
Health gain for the children and youth of Central Sydney: a strategic plan 1998 9
Efficacy of interventions: an evidence-based approach 1998 9
Child health: key programs and strategies to achieve health gains 1998 9
Prioritisation of health issues and strategies to improve child health 1998 9
Key initiatives to achieve health gain for children 1998 9
Personal health record helps improve child health 1993 4
Rubella vaccine (RA27/3 strain) in Australian schoolgirls 1992 3

Noworytko, Hanna

Title Year Volume
Towards a clinical cancer information system 2001 12
Working out what to measure: melanoma services 2001 12
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6
Current as at: Wednesday 23 July 2014