Author index - M

Maandag, Arianne

Title Year Volume
Infection control in general practice, 1994 and 1995 1998 9

MacIntyre, C Raina

Title Year Volume
Trends and risk factors for hepatitis A in NSW, 2000-2009: the trouble with travel 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Automated data extraction from general practice: influenza-like
illness surveillance
2011 22
Obituary - Professor Aileen Plant (1948-2007) 2007 18
Measles control in NSW Divisions of General Practice 2003 14

Macansh, Sacha

Title Year Volume
The role of the NSW Pap Test Register in monitoring the cervical screening process in NSW 2001 12

Macartney, Kristine K

Title Year Volume
NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2011 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Rotavirus 2011 22
NSW immunisation performance: continuing progress but no room for complacency 2011 22
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Pertussis in NSW and its prevention in infants and children 2011 22
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Varicella zoster 2005 16

Macdonald, John

Title Year Volume
A population health approach to men’s health 2001 12

Mackenzie, John S

Title Year Volume
A review of the epidemiology and surveillance of viral zoonotic encephalitis and the impact on human
health in Australia
2011 22

Mackie, Brent

Title Year Volume
NSW Health Hepatitis C Public Awareness Campaign 2000 11

Macoun, Edwina L

Title Year Volume
Research evidence can successfully inform policy and practice: insights from the development of the
NSW Health Breastfeeding Policy
2008 19
The NSW Health Breastfeeding Project 2005 16
Increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruit: a national public health call to action 2001 12
NSW Health establishes the Centre for Public Health Nutrition 2000 11
NSW food and nutrition monitoring project 1997 8

Madden, D Lynne

Title Year Volume
How does tele-learning compare with other forms of education delivery? A systematic review of
tele-learning educational outcomes for health professionals
2013 24
Environmentally sustainable health care: using an educational intervention to engage the public
health medical workforce in Australia
2013 24
Health sector leadership in mitigating climate change: experience from the UK and NSW 2009 20
Evaluation of three population health capacity building projects delivered by videoconferencing in NSW 2009 20
Using problem-based learning in public health service based training 2007 18
Use of communication technology among public health professionals in NSW, Australia 2007 18
Future directions for the Bulletin 2007 18
Strengthening learning opportunities to promote the capacity of the public health workforce 2007 18
Tailoring the Bulletin to meet readership needs 2006 17
The new subject index for the NSW Public Health Bulletin 2006 17
A web log analysis of the online NSW Public Health Bulletin for 2001–2003 2006 17
Review of the NSW Public Health Bulletin: a qualitative survey of stakeholders 2006 17
Results from the 2000 fax-back survey to readers about the NSW Public Health Bulletin  2006 17
Celebrating 15 years of Bug Breakfast 2005 16
Building the infrastructure for public health 2003 14
Index Medicus and MEDLINE recognise NSW Public Health Bulletin 2002 13
Public health workforce: results of a NSW statewide consultation on the development of the national
public health workforce
1999 10

Magnus, Anne

Title Year Volume
Socioeconomic differentials in life expectancy and years of life lost in Victoria, 1992–1996 2001 12

Mahajan, Deepika

Title Year Volume
NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2011 2012 23
NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2010 2011 22
The seroepidemiology of pertussis in NSW: fluctuating immunity profiles related to changes in
vaccination schedules
2011 22
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2009 2010 21
NSW Annual Adverse Events Following Immunisation Report, 2009 2010 21

Maher, Christopher

Title Year Volume
Hepatitis B program for Aboriginal children 1992 3

Maher, Lisa

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Hepatitis B 2013 24
The effectiveness of harm reduction in preventing HIV among injecting drug users 2010 21
The Indigenous Resiliency Project: a worked example of community-based participatory research 2009 20

Maher, Louise

Title Year Volume
Reporting of Aboriginal people in health data collections in NSW 2012 23
Building a strategic approach to improve Aboriginal health research and evaluation in NSW 2012 23
Eye health services for Aboriginal people in the western region of NSW, 2010 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Trachoma 2011 22

Mahmic, Ajsa

Title Year Volume
Development of a child and youth health report card for central Sydney, 2000 2001 12

Mahoney, Mary

Title Year Volume
Health impact assessment in Australia 2005 16
Building an equity focus in health impact assessment 2005 16
Current thinking and issues in the development of health impact assessment in Australia 2002 13

Maidment, C

Title Year Volume
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5

Mannes, Trish F

Title Year Volume
Audit of post-exposure treatment to prevent lyssavirus infection in Sydney South West Area Health
Service, 2005-2007
2009 20
Investigation of an outbreak of acute illness in a school group visiting Sydney, September 2006 2008 19
Constructing a database of development applications considered by public health units in NSW 2005 16

Manning, Wendy

Title Year Volume
Meningitis surveillance 1991 1992 3
Bacterial meningitis makes a comeback 1991 2
Dramatic increase in hepatitis A 1991 2
Sentinel monitoring of influenza 1990 1

Marais, Ben J

Title Year Volume
Challenges in the use of tests to diagnose tuberculosis infection [letter] 2013 24
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis in children 2013 24

Marich, Andrew J N

Title Year Volume
One Health in NSW: coordination of human and animal health sector management of zoonoses of
public health significance
2011 22
Investigation of equine influenza transmission in NSW: walk, wind or wing? 2009 20
The Greater Southern Area Health Service Tobacco Control Plan 2006-2009 2008 19
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Legionnaires' disease 2008 19

Marks, Guy B

Title Year Volume
Tuberculosis, public health and gathering new evidence to guide control efforts 2013 24
Tuberculosis: an old world disease providing new world challenges in NSW 2013 24
Costs of a contact screening activity in a neonatal intensive care unit 2013 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Diagnosis, investigation and management of tuberculosis at an
Australian zoo
2013 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Tuberculosis 2009 20
Using NSW Health Survey data to monitor asthma prevalence and management in NSW 2001 12

Marsh, Caroline

Title Year Volume
New public health legislation in NSW 1992 3

Massey, Peter D

Title Year Volume
Hendra virus: what do we know? 2011 22
Responding to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in Aboriginal communities in NSW through
collaboration between NSW Health and the Aboriginal community-controlled health sector
2010 21
Feral pig hunting: a risk factor for human brucellosis in north-west NSW? 2009 20
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples at higher risk of invasive meningococcal disease in NSW 2008 19
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Q fever 2007 18
The changing epidemiology of pertussis in the Hunter New England area and potential implications
for the immunisation schedule
2006 17
Pandemic planning at the coal face: responsibilities of the public health unit 2006 17
Tuberculosis control: the challenge continues 1996 7

Massey, Ward L

Title Year Volume
Rural oral health workforce issues in NSW and the Charles Sturt University Dentistry Program 2009 20

Maxwell, Michelle L

Title Year Volume
A health impact assessment of the Liverpool Hospital redevelopment 2007 18

Mayberry, Patricia

Title Year Volume
News and comment - Infant mortality rates: Australia's international ranking 1992 3

Mayne, Darren

Title Year Volume
The experience of the Well Person’s Health Check in the Far West Area Health Service 2001 12

Maywood, Patrick

Title Year Volume
What can laboratory notifications tell us about Chlamydia infection? 2004 15
An outbreak of Norwalk-like virus gastroenteritis in an aged-care residential hostel 2003 14
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999 1999 10

McAnulty, Jeremy M

Title Year Volume
Infectious diseases in returned travellers, NSW, 2010-2011 2014 24
EpiReview - Tuberculosis in NSW, 2009-2011 2013 24
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW 2010 21
Review of the 2008-2009 pertussis epidemic in NSW: notifications and hospitalisations 2010 21
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 2008 2010 21
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 2003-2007 2009 20
The effectiveness of prophylaxis for measles contacts in NSW 2009 20
Investigation of equine influenza transmission in NSW: walk, wind or wing? 2009 20
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Mass gatherings and public health: preparing for World Youth Day 2008 2009 20
Enteric disease outbreak reporting, NSW, Australia, 2000 to 2005 2008 19
Evaluation of the system of surveillance for enteric disease outbreaks, NSW, Australia, 2000 to 2005 2008 19
Hepatitis A: who in NSW is most at risk of infection? 2008 19
The evaluation of web-based data collection for enhanced surveillance of cryptosporidiosis 2008 19
Investigation of an outbreak of acute illness in a school group visiting Sydney, September 2006 2008 19
Obituary – Professor Aileen Plant (1948-2007) 2007 18
EpiReview – Pertussis in NSW, 1993-2005: the impact of vaccination policy on pertussis epidemiology 2007 18
Health surveillance among a team of Australian health workers assisting tsunami victims in
Aceh, Indonesia
2007 18
The investigation of an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in NSW in 2005 2006 17
Celebrating 15 years of Bug Breakfast 2005 16
EpiReview – Epidemiology of newly diagnosed HIV infection in NSW, 1994–2003 2005 16
Hepatitis A outbreak associated with a Mothers’ Day ‘yum cha’ meal, Sydney, 1997 2004 15
EpiReview – Communicable enteric disease surveillance, NSW, 2000–2002 2004 15
EpiReview – Meningococcal disease in NSW, 1991–2002 2004 15
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 1991–2002 2004 15
A large outbreak of Norovirus gastroenteritis linked to a catering company, NSW, October 2003 2004 15
A pertussis epidemic in NSW: how epidemiology reflects vaccination policy 2003 14
Priorities for communicable disease control in New South Wales, 2003 2003 14
Anthrax and other suspect powders: initial responses to an outbreak of hoaxes and scares 2003 14
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 1991–2000 2002 13
EpiReview – Notifiable sexually transmissible diseases, NSW 1991–1999 2001 12
EpiReview – Hepatitis C in NSW, 1991–1999 2001 12
EpiReview – Notifications of Q fever in NSW, 1991–2000 2001 12
EpiReview – Hepatitis A in New South Wales, 1991–2000 2001 12
EpiReview – Legionnaires’ disease, NSW, 1991–2000 2001 12
EpiReview – Meningococcal disease in NSW 1991–1999 2000 11
EpiReview – Arboviruses in NSW, 1991 to 1999 2000 11
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999 1999 10
Gastroenteritis outbreak linked to food handler 1996 7
Tuberculosis control: the challenge continues 1996 7
Tuberculosis in NSW correctional centres: disease control measures following infectious cases 1996 7
Lead exposure at a school for children with developmental disabilities 1995 6
Eliminating tuberculosis: where is the strategy? 1992 3
Opportunities in the United States 1991 2
Nyngan flood lesson 1990 1
Vibrio warning 1990 1

McBride, Michael

Title Year Volume
Strategy aims to lift organ donations 1993 4

McCaffery, Kirsten

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Human Papilloma Virus 2007 18

McCormick, Jessica

Title Year Volume
Lessons in applying health impact assessment to regeneration schemes: the Victorian experience 2007 18

McCracken, Kevin

Title Year Volume
An Australian perspective of the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic 2006 17
What if NSW was more equal? 2002 13
Jarman 8: an index of social disadvantage 1992 3

McCue, Peter

Title Year Volume
NSW Premier's Council for Active Living 2010 21

McDermott, Dennis

Title Year Volume
The NSW Men’s Health Information and Resource Centre 2001 12

McDonald, Ann

Title Year Volume
HIV infection, AIDS, hepatitis C and sexually transmissible infections in Australia: national
surveillance results to December 1998
2000 11

McDonald, Elizabeth

Title Year Volume
Consumers first: participating in the system 2002 13

McDonnell, Catriona

Title Year Volume
NSW Aboriginal Health Promotion Program: lessons learned and ways forward 2012 23
The Chronic Care Service Enhancement Program 2012 23

McDonnell, Louise F

Title Year Volume
Measles epidemic in western Sydney 1994 5
Outbreak of Ross River virus disease in the south west districts of NSW, summer 1993 1994 5
Hepatitis B in a child without known risk factors 1994 5
Investigation of hepatitis A cases in a single street 1993 4

McGarry, Jean

Title Year Volume
Waiting list reduction program March to December 1995 1996 7
Waiting lists in NSW public hospitals 1995 6
Waiting list reduction program: initial results 1995 6
Update on the Waiting List Reduction Program 1995 6
Waiting List Reduction Program: results to November 1995 1995 6

McGinnis, J Michael

Title Year Volume
Improving health in the USA 1995 6

McGirr, Joe

Title Year Volume
Teleradiology in NSW 1993 4

McGrath, David

Title Year Volume
Opiate overdose and health treatment options for opiate users in New South Wales, 1999–2002 2004 15

McGregor, Deborah

Title Year Volume
How does tele-learning compare with other forms of education delivery? A systematic review of
tele-learning educational outcomes for health professionals
2013 24

McIntyre, Larissa B

Title Year Volume
Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games: the Public Health Service Strategy 1998 9

McIntyre, Peter B

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Invasive pneumococcal disease 2013 24
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2011 2012 23
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2010 2011 22
The seroepidemiology of pertussis in NSW: fluctuating immunity profiles related to changes in
vaccination schedules
2011 22
The NSW Immunisation Strategy 2008-2011: how are we doing? 2010 21
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2009 2010 21
Making influenza vaccination mandatory for health care workers: the views of NSW Health administrators
and clinical leaders
2010 21
Mapping immunisation coverage and conscientious objectors to immunisation in NSW 2003 14
Lessons from surveillance: solving the pertussis puzzle 2003 14
Has pertussis increased in NSW over the past decade? An evaluation using hospitalisation and
mortality data versus notifications 1988–2002
2003 14
Do variations in pertussis notifications reflect incidence or surveillance practices? A comparison of
infant notification rates and hospitalisation data in NSW
2003 14
Differences in the epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease, metropolitan NSW, 1997–2001 2003 14
The epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus infections in NSW children, 1992–1997 2000 11
Pertussis: a comment 1999 10
The Inpatient Statistics Collection and Hib meningitis 1993 4
Reducing fatal childhood infections 1991 2

McIver, Christopher J

Title Year Volume
Value of a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay for Norwalk-like viruses in the
investigation of institutional gastroenteritis outbreaks
1999 10

McKee, Martin

Title Year Volume
Global health inequalities: the challenge to epidemiology 2001 12

McKendrick, Claire

Title Year Volume
Developing an Aboriginal Health Plan for NSW: the consultation process 2012 23

McKenna, Catherine A

Title Year Volume
Ross River virus disease in inland NSW: higher than average notifications in 2007-08 2010 21

McKetin, Rebecca

Title Year Volume
The Illicit Drugs Reporting System 2000 11

McLellan, Lyndall

Title Year Volume
Adolescent health monitoring at the regional level 1998 9

McMahon, Rod

Title Year Volume
Sentinel general practices 1990 1

McMahon, Tadgh

Title Year Volume
Guarding against emerging epidemics: addressing HIV and AIDS among culturally and linguistically
diverse communities in NSW
2010 21

McMahon, Val

Title Year Volume
A regional trauma system in Sydney: the first three months 1992 3

McManus, Phil

Title Year Volume
Seeing obesity as a systems problem 2007 18

McMeeking, Louise

Title Year Volume
Community and consumer participation in health 2002 13

McMichael, Anthony J

Title Year Volume
Will considerations of environmental sustainability revitalise the policy links between the urban
environment and health?
2007 18

McPherson, Michelle E

Title Year Volume
How does the HIV epidemic in NSW compare to other Australian jurisdictions and internationally? 2010 21

McPhie, Kenneth A

Title Year Volume
Challenges for the laboratory before and during an influenza pandemic 2006 17
Planning for pandemic influenza surveillance in NSW 2006 17

McVeagh, Patricia

Title Year Volume
The World Health Organization Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent resolutions
(the WHO Code)
2005 16

Mehaffey, Ann

Title Year Volume
Capacity building for international health gains 2000 11

Meihubers, Sandra

Title Year Volume
The Bila Muuji Oral Health Promotion Partnership 2013 24

Meijer, Dennis

Title Year Volume
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza vaccine roll-out in NSW 2010 21

Mellis, Craig

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Respiratory syncytial virus 2011 22

Menzies, Robert I

Title Year Volume
Controlling measles in NSW: how are we doing in the context of other countries in the Western Pacific? 2012 23
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2011 2012 23
NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2011 2012 23
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2010 2011 22
NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2010 2011 22
The seroepidemiology of pertussis in NSW: fluctuating immunity profiles related to changes in
vaccination schedules
2011 22
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2009 2010 21
NSW Annual Adverse Events Following Immunisation Report, 2009 2010 21
School-based vaccination in NSW 2010 21
Evaluation of a targeted immunisation program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants in an
urban setting
2008 19
Has pertussis increased in NSW over the past decade? An evaluation using hospitalisation and
mortality data versus notifications 1988–2002
2003 14
EpiReview – Cryptosporidiosis in NSW, 1990–2000 2002 13
The epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus infections in NSW children, 1992–1997 2000 11
Communicable disease surveillance during the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2000 11
EpiReview – HIV infection and AIDS in NSW, 1981 to 1999 2000 11
How does HIV–AIDS surveillance work in NSW? 1999 10
Influenza immunisation rates in adults, NSW 1993 1996 7

Merrifield, Alistair

Title Year Volume
Sample size calculations for the design of health studies: a review of key concepts for non-statisticians 2012 23

Merritt, Tony D

Title Year Volume
Timeliness of Salmonella Typhimurium notifications after the introduction of routine MLVA typing in NSW 2014 24
The health of Hunter Valley communities in proximity to coal mining and power generation, general
practice data, 1998-2010
2013 24
Estimate of the number of Campylobacter infections in the Hunter region, NSW, 2004-2007 2009 20
A review of Salmonella surveillance in NSW, 1998–2000 2004 15

Metcalfe, Andrew

Title Year Volume
Central Sydney Tai Chi Trial: methodology 2002 13

Mewes, Barry

Title Year Volume
News and comment - Early warning system for suspicious or excessive prescribing of drugs of addiction 1994 5

Michail, David

Title Year Volume
Monitoring for adverse events among patients on tuberculosis therapy 2013 24

Michell, Pauline

Title Year Volume
Lessons learnt from the management of multiple contacts of a case of pertussis in a delivery suite 1999 10

Middleton, Deborah J

Title Year Volume
Hendra virus: what do we know? 2011 22

Middleton, Paul M

Title Year Volume
Characteristics of fall-related injuries attended by an ambulance in Sydney, Australia: a surveillance
2011 22

Mihajlovic, Milica

Title Year Volume
A smoke alarm campaign in Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese communities 1999 10

Milat, Andrew J

Title Year Volume
Reflections on 24 years of the NSW Public Health Bulletin 2014 24
The Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Research Group: fostering population health research in NSW 2011 22
Falls prevention in NSW: a big issue requiring sustained research, policy and practice initiatives 2011 22
Prevalence, circumstances and consequences of falls among community-dwelling older people: results
of the 2009 NSW Falls Prevention Baseline Survey
2011 22
The strategic development of the NSW Health Plan for Prevention of Falls and Harm from Falls Among
Older People: 2011-2015
; translating research into policy and practice
2011 22
Influencing population health performance: feedback from managers, population health staff and
clinicians on the NSW Population Health Standards for Area Health Services
2008 19
Influencing population health performance: introduction of standards for area health services in NSW 2007 18
Influencing urban environments for health: NSW Health's response 2007 18

Miles, Thais A

Title Year Volume
Immunisation status of two-year-old children in the Hunter area 1996 7
Notifications study reveals discrepancies 1992 3
Genesis of a PHU disaster response plan 1992 3
Investigation of an outbreak of gastroenteritis 1992 3

Milham, Therese

Title Year Volume
Health impact assessment on an integrated chronic disease prevention campaign 2005 16

Miller, G

Title Year Volume
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5

Miller, Peter

Title Year Volume
Overview of the public health implications of cockroaches and their management 2004 15
A survey of bedbugs in short-stay lodges 2004 15

Miller, Yvette

Title Year Volume
Development of a chronic disease risk factor index and identifying population subgroups at risk
using NSW Adult Health Survey 2002 data
2005 16

Millett, Paul

Title Year Volume
Spices, high-risk foods and public health: a salmonella outbreak on Sydney Harbour 1999 10

Mills, Kay

Title Year Volume
A tuberculosis contact investigation involving two private nursing homes in inner western Sydney in 2004 2006 17

Mira, Michael

Title Year Volume
The impact of a general practice staffed casualty service on overall primary medical services 2001 12
Infection control in general practice, 1994 and 1995 1998 9
Compilation of a general practitioner database 1993 4
Benefits of general practice sentinel surveillance networks 1992 3

Mitchell, Elayne N

Title Year Volume
Provision of smoking care in NSW hospitals: opportunities for further enhancement 2008 19
Enabling the NSW Health workforce to provide evidence-based smoking cessation advice through
competency-based training delivered via video conferencing
2008 19
Delivering smoking cessation information in the workplace using Quit Online 2005 16
Current tobacco smoking by the NSW population and the consequences for health 2004 15
Managing nicotine dependence in NSW hospital patients 2004 15
Tobacco control in NSW: evidence supporting improved strategies to reduce exposure to
environmental tobacco smoke
2002 13

Mitchell, Jo

Title Year Volume
Policy-relevant population health research: new approaches and opportunities 2011 22
Fostering population health research in NSW: the role of research infrastructure 2011 22

Mitchell, Julie Anne

Title Year Volume
A report on the NSW Tobacco Action Plan 2001–2004 2004 15
Cancer prevention by diet and exercise 2001 12

Mitchell, Mark D

Title Year Volume
Smoke Free Health Care: an organisational change to increase effective intervention for tobacco 2008 19

Mitchell, Paul

Title Year Volume
Poor vision and risk of falls and fractures in older Australians: the Blue Mountains Eye Study 2002 13

Mitchell, Rebecca J

Title Year Volume
The cost of fall-related injuries among older people in NSW, 2006-07 2011 22
Evaluation of the NSW Management Policy to Reduce Fall Injury Among Older People, 2003-2007:
implications for policy development
2011 22
A description of interpersonal violence-related hospitalisations in NSW 2006 17
NSW fall injury indicators—15 year projections 2002 13
Safe communities 2002 13
NSW Water Safety Taskforce 2002 13
Child deaths and injuries in driveways 2002 13
Fatal work injuries in NSW 2002 13
Identifying work-related injury and disease in routinely collected NSW hospitalisation data 2001 12

Moffit, Michelle C

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Cyanobacteria: health and research possibilities 2014 24

Moller, Jerry

Title Year Volume
Changing health resource demands for injury due to falls in an ageing population 2002 13
NSW fall injury indicators—15 year projections 2002 13
Suicide mortality in NSW: geographic variations [letter] 1995 6

Monaem, Abdul

Title Year Volume
The health of males in NSW 2001 12

Monger, Claire

Title Year Volume
The strategic development of the NSW Health Plan for Prevention of Falls and Harm from Falls Among
Older People: 2011-2015
; translating research into policy and practice
2011 22
Prevalence, circumstances and consequences of falls among community-dwelling older people:
results of the 2009 NSW Falls Prevention Baseline Survey
2011 22

Mooney, Gavin

Title Year Volume
Priority setting in dentistry: putting teeth into the process 1999 10
Program budgeting and marginal analysis in NSW 1997 8
Program budgeting and marginal analysis: a guide to resource allocation 1995 6

Mooney-Somers, Julie

Title Year Volume
The Indigenous Resiliency Project: a worked example of community-based participatory research 2009 20

Moore, Helen A

Title Year Volume
Health Statistics NSW: getting the right balance between privacy and small numbers in a web-based
reporting system
2012 23
Trends in potentially avoidable mortality in NSW 2002 13
Measuring risk factors that can be modified to prevent cancer 2001 12
Towards a clinical cancer information system 2001 12
Working out what to measure: melanoma services 2001 12
Measuring health inequalities in NSW 2001 12
The Health of the People of NSW: Report of the Chief Health Officer, 2000 2000 11
NSW area health service health status profiles 1999 10
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6
Nitrates in bore water: cause of health problems in a family? 1991 2

Moore, Margo

Title Year Volume
From community attitudes to community action: opposing domestic violence 1999 10

Moore, Michael G

Title Year Volume
A general practice perspective of pandemic influenza 2006 17

Moreira, Conrad

Title Year Volume
The effectiveness of prophylaxis for measles contacts in NSW 2009 20

Moreton, Renee J

Title Year Volume
Guarding against emerging epidemics: addressing HIV and AIDS among culturally and linguistically
diverse communities in NSW
2010 21

Morey, Sue

Title Year Volume
Building the infrastructure for public health 2003 14
Restructure to meet rural needs 1993 4
On the right track - public health infrastructure 1991 2
New Public Health Bulletin for NSW 1990 1

Morgan, Geoff

Title Year Volume
Automated geocoding of routinely collected health data in NSW 2006 17
Risk factors for sporadic Salmonella Birkenhead infection in Queensland and northern NSW:
a case control study
2004 15
A statewide ‘outbreak’ of asthma in NSW, February 1999 2000 11

Morris, Jonathan

Title Year Volume
Development of a maternity hospital classification for use in perinatal research 2012 23

Morris, Suzi

Title Year Volume
Managing a tobacco control program in NSW correctional centres, 1999–2001 2001 12

Morton, Patricia M

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Waterborne diseases among Aboriginal people 2010 21
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Chronic and infectious diseases in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples
2008 19

Moxon, Jane

Title Year Volume
Increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruit: a national public health call to action 2001 12
NSW Health establishes the Centre for Public Health Nutrition 2000 11

Mulroney, Jane

Title Year Volume
Leaving violent relationships and avoiding homelessness - providing a choice for women and
their children
2007 18

Munnoch, Sally A

Title Year Volume
Timeliness of Salmonella Typhimurium notifications after the introduction of routine MLVA typing in NSW 2014 24
Estimate of the number of Campylobacter infections in the Hunter region, NSW, 2004-2007 2009 20

Munro, Ana

Title Year Volume
How does tele-learning compare with other forms of education delivery? A systematic review of
tele-learning educational outcomes for health professionals
2013 24

Munro, Bridget

Title Year Volume
Hospital and non-hospital costs for fall-related injury in community-dwelling older people 2008 19

Munro, Rosemary

Title Year Volume
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5
A cluster of meningococcal cases in Campbelltown 1992 3

Murphy, Cathryn

Title Year Volume
Reflections on the beginnings of infection control in NSW 1994 5

Murphy, Elisabeth

Title Year Volume
The Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Health Service: a decade of achievement in the health of women
and babies in NSW
2012 23
Child health policy in NSW: building on a century of care 2000 11
Child health now! The state of children’s health: historical contexts and current developments 1998 9
Working together to support children and families in disadvantaged communities 1998 9
Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in NSW: impact of health education campaigns 1994 5
Child abuse in NSW 1994 5
Vitamin K prophylaxis in newborn infants 1993 4
Personal health record helps improve child health 1993 4
Key initiatives in child health 1992 3
Sudden infant death syndrome in NSW: recent developments 1992 3

Murray, Carolyn

Title Year Volume
Introducing a new sexually transmissible infections contact tracing resource for use in NSW
General Practice
2011 22

Murray, Susan M

Title Year Volume
Hospital and non-hospital costs for fall-related injury in community-dwelling older people 2008 19

Murty, Elena

Title Year Volume
Developing a health outcomes framework for women 2000 11
Gender equity in health 2000 11
New ways of thinking about women’s health 1999 10

Muscatello, David J

Title Year Volume
Increased presentations to emergency departments for asthma associated with rye grass pollen
season in inland NSW
2011 22
Characteristics of fall-related injuries attended by an ambulance in Sydney, Australia:
a surveillance summary
2011 22
Reflections on public health surveillance of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW 2010 21
Planning for pandemic influenza surveillance in NSW 2006 17
Development of a standardised regional report from the NSW Health Survey Program 2005 16
Release of Program for Enhanced Population Health Infostructure (PEPHI): A report of responses to the November 2000 discussion paper 2002 13
Informal caring in central Sydney 2001 12
Identifying work-related injury and disease in routinely collected NSW hospitalisation data 2001 12
Using the International Classification of Diseases with HOIST 2001 12
Time trends in emergency department presentations of children with acute severe asthma in NSW 2001 12
EpiReview – Meningococcal disease in NSW 1991–1999 2000 11
The potential of the NSW Poisons Information Centre for surveillance of unintentional poisoning in
young children
2000 11
EpiReview – Arboviruses in NSW, 1991 to 1999 2000 11

Musto, Jennie A

Title Year Volume
EpiReview - Typhoid fever, NSW, 2005-2011 2013 24
Investigation of equine influenza transmission in NSW: walk, wind or wing? 2009 20
Investigation of an outbreak of acute illness in a school group visiting Sydney, September 2006 2008 19
A large outbreak of Norovirus gastroenteritis linked to a catering company, NSW, October 2003 2004 15
Current as at: Wednesday 30 July 2014