Author index - L

Lake, Rob

Title Year Volume
Rhythm of life: choices, challenges and change 2010 21

Lamb, Cathryn Finney

Title Year Volume
Problems refugees face when accessing health services 2002 13

Lamb, Kate

Title Year Volume
Women’s health coordinators 2000 11

Lan, Ruiting

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Pertussis in NSW and its prevention in infants and children 2011 22

Langford, Barbara

Title Year Volume
Health impact assessment in New Zealand 2005 16

Langley, Andrew

Title Year Volume
What does it mean when the risk assessment says 4.73 x 10-5? 2003 14

Lapsley, Helen

Title Year Volume
The social costs of smoking in Australia 2004 15

Latham, Lindy

Title Year Volume
Maximising quality in health surveys: lessons from the field 2001 12

Lawrence, David

Title Year Volume
Health inequalities and the health needs of people with mental illness 2002 13

Lawrence, Glenda L

Title Year Volume
Trends in notifiable blood lead levels in NSW, 1998-2008 2012 23
Trends and risk factors for hepatitis A in NSW, 2000-2009: the trouble with travel 2012 23
Eye health services for Aboriginal people in the western region of NSW, 2010 2012 23
Monitoring adverse events following immunisation 2003 14

Lawrence, Virginia

Title Year Volume
What can laboratory notifications tell us about Chlamydia infection? 2004 15

Lawson, James S

Title Year Volume
News and comment - Infant mortality rates: Australia's international ranking 1992 3

Lazarus, Ross

Title Year Volume
Monitoring overweight and obesity in NSW: a guide 1997 8
Clinical applications of epidemiology 1992 3

Leask, Alexander

Title Year Volume
Anthrax and other suspect powders: initial responses to an outbreak of hoaxes and scares 2003 14

Leask, Julie

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Risk communication in public health 2011 22
Making influenza vaccination mandatory for health care workers: the views of NSW Health administrators
and clinical leaders
2010 21
How do general practitioners persuade parents to vaccinate their children? A study using standardised scenarios 2009 20

Leask, Sandy D

Title Year Volume
Ensuring safe drinking water in regional NSW: the role of regulation 2008 19

Lee, David

Title Year Volume
Hepatitis A outbreak associated with a Mothers’ Day ‘yum cha’ meal, Sydney, 1997 2004 15
Value of a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay for Norwalk-like viruses in the
investigation of institutional gastroenteritis outbreaks
1999 10

Lee, Rogan

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Malaria 2006 17

Leeder, Stephen

Title Year Volume
Celebrating the past; awakening the future: the NSW Public Health Forum highlights public health
successes in NSW
2003 14
How can evidence-based practice contribute to reducing health inequalities in NSW? 2002 13
Clinical applications of epidemiology 1992 3
On the right track - public health infrastructure 1991 2
Training conference emphasises communication 1991 2
Asthma strategy needed 1990 1
Improved public health 1990 1

Lesjak, Margaret S

Title Year Volume
Influencing population health performance: feedback from managers, population health staff and
clinicians on the NSW Population Health Standards for Area Health Services
2008 19
Managing environmental lead in Broken Hill: a public health success 2008 19
Influencing population health performance: introduction of standards for area health services in NSW 2007 18
Our people, our health, our future: Murdi Paaki Regional Council Health Summit 2000 11

Leslie, Peter D

Title Year Volume
Compilation of a general practitioner database 1993 4

Lessi, Alana

Title Year Volume
Obituary - Professor Frank Fenner (1914-2010) 2011 22

Letts, Julie K

Title Year Volume
Public health ethics: informing better public health practice 2012 23
Ethical challenges in planning for an influenza pandemic  2006 17

Levy, Michael H

Title Year Volume
Prevalence of Mantoux positivity and annual risk of infection for tuberculosis in NSW prisoners,
1996 and 2001
2007 18
Managing a tobacco control program in NSW correctional centres, 1999–2001 2001 12
Tuberculosis in 1996: a view from Geneva 1996 7
Tuberculosis screening in inmates and staff of a NSW jail 1995 6
Unusual fox behaviour: rabies exclusion investigation 1995 6
Counting the costs: a review of two tuberculosis mass contact screening investigations 1994 5
Investigation of patients potentially exposed to an HIV-infected health care worker 1994 5
Undertaking mass meningococcal vaccination: criteria and experiences 1994 5
Investigating a suspected outbreak 1993 4
Improving notification of meningitis 1993 4
Whooping cough in the North Coast region 1993 4
Public health response to a suspected case of Lassa fever 1993 4
HIV in NSW: changing patterns in major risk factors 1992 3
Eliminating tuberculosis: where is the strategy? 1992 3
Infectious disease notification - progress at last 1992 3
Investigation of an outbreak of gastroenteritis 1992 3
Bacterial meningitis makes a comeback 1991 2
Immunisation - benefits outweigh risks 1991 2
Improving infectious diseases control 1991 2
Apparent outbreak of gastrointestinal disease 1991 2
Sentinel monitoring of influenza 1990 1
Immunisation against rabies 1990 1
Influenza monitoring 1990 1

Lewis, Jenny M

Title Year Volume
Understanding policy influence and the public health agenda 2009 20

Lewis, Peter R

Title Year Volume
The Hunter-Illawarra study of airways and air pollution: refining the process 1995 6
Infant mortality and SIDS in NSW 1969-1987 1992 3
Firearm injuries in NSW 1991 2
Training for a healthier future 1991 2
Apparent clusters of unexplained infant deaths 1991 2

Liberman, Jonathan

Title Year Volume
Litigation and its current role in tobacco regulation in Australia 2004 15

Licata, Milly

Title Year Volume
An equity-focussed social impact assessment of the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy 2007 18

Liddle, Jeannine LM

Title Year Volume
Influencing population health performance: feedback from managers, population health staff and
clinicians on the NSW Population Health Standards for Area Health Services
2008 19
Influencing population health performance: introduction of standards for area health services in NSW 2007 18
Method for evaluating research and guideline evidence 1997 8
Outbreak of gastroenteritis in a residential college 1997 8
Incorporating evidence into clinical guidelines for the management of diabetes 1995 6

Liljeqvist, Tore GH (Gosta)

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Antimicrobial resistance: moving forward to the past 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Automated data extraction from general practice: influenza-like illness
2011 22

Lim, Kim

Title Year Volume
Newborn feeding practices at the time of discharge from hospital in NSW in 2007: a descriptive study 2009 20
Using record linkage to measure trends in breast cancer surgery 2001 12
Quality of reporting of Aboriginality to the NSW Midwives Data Collection 2000 11

Lin, Ming

Title Year Volume
EpiReview: Notifications of Q fever in NSW, 1991–2000 2001 12
EpiReview: Hepatitis A in New South Wales, 1991–2000 2001 12

Lincoln, Doug

Title Year Volume
Trends in potentially avoidable mortality in NSW 2002 13
Time trends in emergency department presentations of children with acute severe asthma in NSW 2001 12

List, Peter

Title Year Volume
Utilisation of the Medicare Teen Dental Plan in NSW, 2008–2010 2012 23

Lister, Susan

Title Year Volume
The epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus infections in NSW children, 1992–1997 2000 11

Little, J Miles

Title Year Volume
Decision making in health and medicine 1992 3

Liu, Bette

Title Year Volume
What can laboratory notifications tell us about Chlamydia infection? 2004 15
An outbreak of Norwalk-like virus gastroenteritis in an aged-care residential hostel 2003 14

Lloyd, Andrew R

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Q fever 2007 18
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Blood borne viruses in correctional facilities 2005 16

Locarnini, S

Title Year Volume
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5
News and comment - Discussion on hepatitis C 1993 4

Long, Kay

Title Year Volume
The Hunter-Illawarra study of airways and air pollution: refining the process 1995 6

Lonie, Cait

Title Year Volume
Working out what to measure: melanoma services 2001 12
Swimming pools in NSW: do we know how dangerous they are? 1998 9
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6
Motivating local action on pool drownings: a black spot approach for NSW 1995 6
Counting the costs: a review of two tuberculosis mass contact screening investigations 1994 5
Child abuse in NSW 1994 5
Injury prevention strategy making good progress 1994 5
Improving notification of meningitis 1993 4
Fluoride: benefits far outweigh the risks 1993 4
Teleradiology in NSW 1993 4

Looyschelder, Sue

Title Year Volume
Better information for radiation oncology 2001 12

Lord, Chalta

Title Year Volume
Reduction in staff smoking rates in North Coast Area Health Service, NSW, following the introduction
of a smoke-free workplace policy
2010 21

Lord, Stephen R

Title Year Volume
Falls prevention in NSW: a big issue requiring sustained research, policy and practice initiatives 2011 22
Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated meta-analysis and best practice recommendations 2011 22
Implementing falls prevention research into policy and practice: an overview of a new National Health
and Medical Research Council Partnership Grant
2011 22
Hospital and non-hospital costs for fall-related injury in community-dwelling older people 2008 19
NHMRC Health Research Partnership: Prevention of Older People’s Injuries 2002 13

Loughrey, Bernadette

Title Year Volume
Too busy: why time is a health and environmental problem 2007 18

Louie, Jimmy Chun-Yu

Title Year Volume
A comparison of two nutrition signposting systems for use in Australia 2008 19

Lovegrove, Desolie

Title Year Volume
Unusual fox behaviour: rabies exclusion investigation 1995 6
A&E departments 1992 3

Lowbridge, Chris

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Invasive pneumococcal disease 2013 24
Tuberculosis, public health and gathering new evidence to guide control efforts 2013 24
EpiReview - Tuberculosis in NSW, 2009-2011 2013 24
Tuberculosis: an old world disease providing new world challenges in NSW 2013 24
EpiReview - Notifications of Q fever in NSW, 2001-2010 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Risk communication in public health 2011 22
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Tickborne diseases 2011 22
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza vaccine roll-out in NSW 2010 21

Lower, Tony

Title Year Volume
Non-intentional farm injury fatalities in Australia, 2003–2006 2012 23
The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: building collaborative population health research
in rural and remote NSW
2011 22

Luckett, Tim

Title Year Volume
Researching culture and health: variables used to identify culturally diverse groups in NSW 2005 16

Luisi, Barbara N

Title Year Volume
Guarding against emerging epidemics: addressing HIV and AIDS among culturally and linguistically
diverse communities in NSW
2010 21

Luxford, Karen

Title Year Volume
Multidisciplinary care for women with breast cancer: a national demonstration program 2001 12

Lyle, David M

Title Year Volume
Improving participation by Aboriginal children in blood lead screening services in Broken Hill, NSW 2012 23
The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: building collaborative population health research
in rural and remote NSW
2011 22
Influencing population health performance: feedback from managers, population health staff and
clinicians on the NSW Population Health Standards for Area Health Services
2008 19
Addressing decreasing blood lead screening rates in young children in Broken Hill, NSW 2008 19
Managing environmental lead in Broken Hill: a public health success 2008 19
Using problem-based learning in public health service based training 2007 18
Influencing population health performance: introduction of standards for area health services in NSW 2007 18
Reducing lead exposure in children in Broken Hill 2003 14
Building capacity in rural health 2001 12
NSW Lead Management Program in Broken Hill 2001 12
Hospital-related mortality in NSW: preliminary results 1994 5
Hospital-related mortality in NSW - preliminary risk-adjustment 1994 5
Winter sports injuries 1994 5
Child abuse in NSW 1994 5
Teleradiology in NSW 1993 4
Medical retrievals to tertiary referral centres in Sydney 1992 3
A practical guide to screening programs 1992 3
A regional trauma system in Sydney: the first three months 1992 3
The NSW Health Outcomes Program 1992 3
Records to make Aboriginality count 1991 2
Firearm injuries in NSW 1991 2
Trends in mortality rates: lung cancer 1990 1

Lymer, Sharon

Title Year Volume
Describing breastfeeding practices in NSW using data from the NSW Child Health Survey, 2001 2005 16

Lynch, Elizabeth

Title Year Volume
Rubella vaccine (RA27/3 strain) in Australian schoolgirls 1992 3
Current as at: Wednesday 23 July 2014