Author index - G

Gallagher, Siun

Title Year Volume
A regional trauma system in Sydney: the first three months 1992 3

Galvin, Judy

Title Year Volume
Tackling childhood lead poisoning 1991 2

Gander, Carole

Title Year Volume
Evidence of pertussis clusters in three aged-care facilities in the former Macquarie Area Health Service, NSW 2009 20

Gardiner, Helen

Title Year Volume
Reponding to family violence in Aboriginal communities: The NSW Aboriginal Family Health Strategy 2012 23

Garsia, Roger

Title Year Volume
Guest editorial - HIV in NSW in 2010: sustaining success in an evolving epidemic 2010 21
HIV treatment, care and support in NSW: a work necessarily still in progress 2010 21
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – HIV in 2005: the current situation and directions for the future 2006 17

Gaskin, Clive

Title Year Volume
Knowledge and beliefs about alcohol consumption, longer-term health risks, and the link with cancer in a sample of Australian adults 2013 24

Gassner, Leigh

Title Year Volume
Developing an Aboriginal Health Plan for NSW: the consultation process 2012 23

Gay, Nigel

Title Year Volume
Measles control in NSW Divisions of General Practice 2003 14

Geary, Merilyn

Title Year Volume
Fly larvae for wound management: a maggot makeover 2004 15
A cluster of locally-acquired Ross River virus infection in outer western Sydney 2000 11
Investigation of caterpillar dermatitis in school children 1993 4

Geddes, Wayne

Title Year Volume
The effective use of the media during an infectious disease emergency 2006 17

Geggie, Judi

Title Year Volume
Meeting the needs of mobile communities 1992 3

George, Carol

Title Year Volume
Evidence of pertussis clusters in three aged-care facilities in the former Macquarie Area Health
Service, NSW
2008 19

Gerber, Marjolein

Title Year Volume
Specialist medical interpreters for the Sydney 2000 Games 2000 11

Gethin, Ann

Title Year Volume
Addressing disadvantage and health: the Mount Druitt Pilot Study 2003 14

Gibbs, Andrew

Title Year Volume
The NSW Health Resource Distribution Formula and health inequalities 2002 13

Gibson, Peter

Title Year Volume
Epidemic asthma surveillance in the New England region 1990-1992 1993 4

Gibson, Richard E

Title Year Volume
Incidence of falls and fall-related outcomes among people in aged-care facilities in the Lower Hunter
region, NSW
2008 19

Gibson, Sharwyn

Title Year Volume
Evidence of pertussis clusters in three aged-care facilities in the former Macquarie Area Health
Service, NSW
2008 19

Gidding, Heather F

Title Year Volume
Australia’s national serosurveillance program 2003 14

Giffin, Michael

Title Year Volume
Prevalence, circumstances and consequences of falls among community-dwelling older people: results
of the 2009 NSW Falls Prevention Baseline Survey
2011 22
Tobacco smoking among secondary school students in NSW 2008 19
Index Medicus and MEDLINE recognise NSW Public Health Bulletin 2002 13

Gilbert, Gwendolyn L

Title Year Volume
The use of mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit typing and whole genome sequencing to inform tuberculosis prevention and control activities 2013 24
The seroepidemiology of pertussis in NSW: fluctuating immunity profiles related to changes in vaccination schedules 2011 22
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - The plague: not just an historical curiosity 2010 21
Salmonella typing in NSW: current methods and application of improved epidemiological tools 2008 19
Using MLVA to type strains of Salmonella Typhimurium in NSW 2008 19
Improving foodborne disease surveillance in NSW 2008 19
Laboratory diagnosis of communicable diseases—pitfalls and prospects 2006 17
Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in NSW: results from 18 months of a statewide trial 2006 17
Laboratory investigation of suspected bioterrorism incidents, NSW, October 2001 to February 2002 2003 14

Gilbert, Richard

Title Year Volume
Move to fairer resource allocation 1991 2

Gilchrist, Kim L

Title Year Volume
An extreme bushfire smoke pollution event: health impacts and public health challenges 2009 20
An extended outbreak of hepatitis A 1997 8
Outbreak of Ross River virus disease in the south west districts of NSW, summer 1993 1994 5
Immunisation rates for kindergarten children of the South West Region 1993 4

Giles-Corti, Billie

Title Year Volume
The co-benefits for health of investing in active transportation 2010 21
Can the impact on health of a government policy designed to create more liveable neighbourhoods be evaluated? An overview of the RESIDential Environment Project 2007 18

Gill, PW

Title Year Volume
Influenza monitoring 1990 1

Gill, Tim

Title Year Volume
A comparison of two nutrition signposting systems for use in Australia 2008 19
Short questions for surveys about bread and cereal intake: comparing measures of quantity
versus frequency
2006 17

Gillespie, James A

Title Year Volume
Navigating public health chemicals policy in Australia: a policy maker's and practitioner's guide 2012 23

Gillham, Karen E

Title Year Volume
An equity-focussed social impact assessment of the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy 2007 18

Gilmour, Robin E

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Invasive pneumococcal disease 2013 24
NSW Annual Vaccine-Preventable Disease Report, 2011 2012 23
NSW Annual Vaccine-Preventable Disease Report, 2010 2011 22
Invasive pneumococcal disease in western Sydney, 2002-2010 2011 22
Reflections on public health surveillance of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW 2010 21
NSW Annual Vaccine-Preventable Disease Report, 2009 2010 21
EpiReview – Invasive pneumococcal disease, NSW, 2002 2005 16
Differences in the epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease, metropolitan NSW, 1997–2001 2003 14

Girgis, Afaf

Title Year Volume
Models of cancer care and support in NSW 2001 12
Cancer patients’ supportive care needs: strategies for assessment and intervention 2001 12
A successful volunteer program showcased during the International Year of Volunteering: the Cancer
Council NSW’s Breast Cancer Support Service
2001 12

Girgis, Seham

Title Year Volume
Issues in administration of the immunisation provisions of the Public Health Act 1991 1996 7

Gizzi, Marcello

Title Year Volume
The health of males in NSW 2001 12

Glanville, Ann

Title Year Volume
A review of school entry immunisation certificates in the Manly, Warringah and Pittwater area, 1995 1996 7

Gold, Julian

Title Year Volume
Reflections on the beginnings of infection control in NSW 1994 5
Investigation of patients potentially exposed to an HIV-infected health care worker 1994 5
Improving AIDS surveillance 1991 2

Gold, Lisa

Title Year Volume
Health economics on the Internet 2002 13

Goldberg, Hazel

Title Year Volume
Tuberculosis in NSW correctional centres: disease control measures following infectious cases 1996 7

Goldston, Kerrie

Title Year Volume
Immunisation census of the 1992 school intake in central and southern Sydney 1993 4

Goldsworthy, Kristy M

Title Year Volume
Reflections on 24 years of the NSW Public Health Bulletin 2014 24

Goldthorpe, Ian

Title Year Volume
Managing a cluster of cryptosporidiosis associated with a public swimming pool 2006 17
Compliance with the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1991 in western Sydney 1994 5

Goodall, Marc

Title Year Volume
A drinking water investigation 2000 11

Goodall, Stephen

Title Year Volume
An economic evaluation of community and residential aged care falls prevention strategies in NSW 2011 22

Goodger, Brendan

Title Year Volume
The strategic development of the NSW Health Plan for Prevention of Falls and Harm from Falls
Among Older People, 2011-2015
; translating research into policy and practice
2011 22

Goodwin, Alix

Title Year Volume
The NSW Health Outcomes Initiative 1992 3

Gordon, Raylene

Title Year Volume
The Chronic Care for Aboriginal People program in NSW 2012 23

Gorringe, Matthew

Title Year Volume
Maximising quality in health surveys: lessons from the field 2001 12

Gough, Naomi

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Infectious disease management for Aboriginal children of Far West NSW 2013 24

Gow, Andrew J

Title Year Volume
The Greater Southern Area Health Service Tobacco Control Plan 2006-2009 2008 19
Bungendore health impact assessment: urban development in a rural setting 2007 18
Gender equity in health 2000 11

Graham, Simon

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Sexually transmissible infections and bloodborne viruses in
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations
2012 23

Graves, Stephen

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Tick-borne diseases 2011 22

Gray, Erica

Title Year Volume
Rapid versus intermediate health impact assessment of foreshore development plans 2007 18
Health promotion with schools: a policy for the NSW health system 2000 11

Gray, Jennifer

Title Year Volume
Opiate overdose and health treatment options for opiate users in New South Wales, 1999–2002 2004 15
May 1999 NSW Drug Summit 2003 14
NSW Drug Summit update 2000 11

Greenberg, David

Title Year Volume
Moving towards a statewide approach to court diversion services in NSW 2003 14
Court diversion in NSW for people with mental health problems and disorders 2002 13

Griggs, Lizzy (Elizabeth)

Title Year Volume
How does HIV–AIDS surveillance work in NSW? 1999 10
Using Australian cryptococcal surveillance data to improve AIDS surveillance in NSW 1996 7

Grillet, Steven

Title Year Volume Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Infectious disease management for Aboriginal children of Far West NSW 2013 24

Grillo, Tiggy

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - One Health and Hendra virus: a collaborative approach in action 2012 23

Grulich, Andrew

Title Year Volume
HIV in NSW in 2010: sustaining success in an evolving epidemic 2010 21
Surveillance, epidemiology and behavioural research to guide HIV prevention policy 2010 21
The Australian Study of Health and Relationships: results for central Sydney, inner-eastern Sydney, and NSW 2003 14
Post-exposure prophylaxis for non-occupational exposure to HIV: experience in NSW one year after the introduction of the guidelines 2000 11

Gruszynski, Charles

Title Year Volume
Measuring the amount of lead in indoor dust: long-term dust-fall accumulation in petri dishes (a pilot study) 1997 8

Guevarra, Veth

Title Year Volume
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in NSW, 1992 1994 5

Gulson, Brian

Title Year Volume
Measuring the amount of lead in indoor dust: long-term dust-fall accumulation in petri dishes (a pilot study) 1997 8
Lead in dust and soil from day-care centres 1997 8

Gunaratnam, Praveena J

Title Year Volume
Infectious diseases in returned travellers, NSW, 2010-2011 2014 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Invasive pneumococcal disease 2013 24
EpiReview - Typhoid fever, NSW, 2005-2011 2013 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Leprosy 2013 24

Gupta, Leena

Title Year Volume
Audit of post-exposure treatment to prevent lyssavirus infection in Sydney South West Area Health
Service, 2005-2007
2009 20
Investigation of an outbreak of acute illness in a school group visiting Sydney, September 2006 2008 19
Enhanced surveillance of hepatitis B infection in inner-western Sydney  2007 18
A tuberculosis contact investigation involving two private nursing homes in inner western Sydney in 2004 2006 17
An outbreak of Norwalk-like virus gastroenteritis in an aged-care residential hostel 2003 14
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999 1999 10
Investigation of an outbreak of gastroenteritis on a container ship returning from Asia 1994 5
Broadening the scope of the eastern Sydney area sentinel surveillance network 1994 5
Current as at: Tuesday 1 August 2017