Author index - D

Dagg, Bernadette

Title Year Volume
Getting in early: a framework for early intervention and prevention in mental health for young people
in New South Wales
2001 12

Dalton, Craig B

Title Year Volume
Business continuity management and pandemic influenza 2006 17
Foodborne disease surveillance in NSW 2004 15
Foodborne disease surveillance in NSW: moving towards performance standards 2004 15
Risk assessment for the consumption of fish with elevated selenium levels 2003 14

Daly, Michelle D

Title Year Volume
Another opportunity for prevention: assessing alcohol use by women attending breast screening services
in Lismore, NSW
2009 20

Dart, Gavin S

Title Year Volume
Reduction in staff smoking rates in North Coast Area Health Service, NSW, following the introduction of a smoke-free workplace policy 2010 21
Smoke Free Health Care: an organisational change to increase effective intervention for tobacco 2008 19

Davies, Philip

Title Year Volume
Getting research into policy and practice 2005 16

Davies, Stephen

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis 2006 17

Davis, Jenny

Title Year Volume
Indigenous status a key issue for health services 2000 11

Davis, Peter

Title Year Volume
Blue-green algae hit Lake Cargelligo 1991 2

Dawson, Angela J

Title Year Volume
Eye health services for Aboriginal people in the western region of NSW, 2010 2012 23

Dawson, Greer M

Title Year Volume
Oral health promotion in NSW 2013 24
Models of smoking cessation brief interventions in oral health 2013 24

Degenhardt, Louisa

Title Year Volume
Drug-related aggression among injecting drug users 2006 17

Delbaere, Kim

Title Year Volume
Implementing falls prevention research into policy and practice: an overview of a new National Health and Medical Research Council Partnership Grant 2011 22

Delpech, Valerie

Title Year Volume
Anthrax and other suspect powders: initial responses to an outbreak of hoaxes and scares 2003 14
EpiReview - Notifiable sexually transmissible diseases, NSW 1991–1999 2001 12
EpiReview - Hepatitis C in NSW, 1991–1999 2001 12
EpiReview - Notifications of Q fever in NSW, 1991–2000 2001 12
EpiReview - Hepatitis A in New South Wales, 1991–2000 2001 12
EpiReview - Legionnaires’ disease, NSW, 1991–2000 2001 12
How does HIV–AIDS surveillance work in NSW? 1999 10
Childhood injury surveillance: the value of emergency department data 1999 10
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999 1999 10
Investigation of patients potentially exposed to an HIV-infected health care worker 1994 5

Dennekamp, Martine

Title Year Volume
Air quality and chronic disease: why action on climate change is also good for health 2010 21

de Silva, Indira

Title Year Volume
Counting the cost of work-related injuries and diseases in poultry farming in NSW 2002 13

Dessaix, Anita L

Title Year Volume
Smokers respond to anti-tobacco mass media campaigns in NSW by calling the Quitline 2008 19

Develin, Elizabeth

Title Year Volume
Influencing urban environments for health: NSW Health's response 2007 18
Measures taken in NSW to address childhood obesity following the NSW Childhood Obesity Summit 2004 15

de Visser, Richard

Title Year Volume
The Australian Study of Health and Relationships: results for central Sydney, inner-eastern Sydney,
and NSW
2003 14

Devlin, Sue

Title Year Volume
Ongoing transmission of tuberculosis in Aboriginal communities in NSW 2013 24

de Wit, John BF

Title Year Volume
Gay men: current challenges and emerging approaches in HIV prevention 2010 21
Surveillance, epidemiology and behavioural research to guide HIV prevention policy 2010 21

Dews, Carolyn L

Title Year Volume
Rapid versus intermediate health impact assessment of foreshore development plans 2007 18

Dey, Aditi

Title Year Volume
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2011 2012 23
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2010 2011 22
NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2009 2010 21

Di Ruggiero, Erica

Title Year Volume
Population Health Intervention Research Initiative for Canada: progress and prospects 2011 22

Dixon, Jane M

Title Year Volume
Functional foods and urban agriculture: two responses to climate change-related food insecurity 2009 20
Healthy, just and eco-sensitive cities: moving forward 2007 18
Creating healthy, just and eco-sensitive cities 2007 18
How can a government research and development initiative contribute to reducing health inequalities? 2001 12

Dobler, Claudia C

Title Year Volume
Challenges in the use of tests to diagnose tuberculosis infection [letter] 2013 24
What do we know about the outcomes of tuberculosis contact investigations in NSW? 2013 24

Dobson, Annette J

Title Year Volume
Men’s perceived health needs 2001 12
The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health: study design and sample 2000 11
The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health: selected early findings and future research
objectives for the main cohorts
2000 11
Risk factor levels for cardiovascular disease 1992 3

Doggett, Stephen L

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Tick-borne diseases 2011 22
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Murray Valley encephalitis virus 2009 20
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Ross River virus 2007 18
Population health aspects of mosquito-borne disease in NSW 2004 15
A cluster of locally-acquired Ross River virus infection in outer western Sydney 2000 11
NSW arbovirus surveillance web site 1999 10

Dolan, Kate

Title Year Volume
Injecting rooms in Switzerland 1999 10

Dolinis, John

Title Year Volume
Suicide mortality in NSW: geographic variations [letter] 1995 6

Donati, Kelly J

Title Year Volume
Functional foods and urban agriculture: two responses to climate change-related food insecurity 2009 20

Donovan, Basil

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - The early impact of the National HPV Vaccination Program 2012 23
Improving the health of sex workers in NSW: maintaining success 2010 21
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection 2010 21

Douglas, Michael

Title Year Volume
Policy development in the rural sector: a personal perspective 2001 12

Douglas, Paul

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Refugee health 2010 21

Doyle, Bridget K

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis: an outbreak in NSW 2006 17
A large outbreak of Norovirus gastroenteritis linked to a catering company, NSW, October 2003 2004 15

Driscoll, Tim R

Title Year Volume
Fatal work injuries in NSW 2002 13

Dubois, Lorraine G

Title Year Volume
Bungendore health impact assessment: urban development in a rural setting 2007 18

Duffin, Ian R

Title Year Volume
Gay men: current challenges and emerging approaches in HIV prevention 2010 21

Dunlop, Sally

Title Year Volume
Knowledge and beliefs about alcohol consumption, longer-term health risks, and the link with cancer
in a sample of Australian adults
2013 24

Dunn, Trevor

Title Year Volume
The Hunter-Illawarra study of airways and air pollution: refining the process 1995 6

Durrheim, David N

Title Year Volume
Timeliness of Salmonella Typhimurium notifications after the introduction of routine MLVA typing in NSW 2014 24
The health of Hunter Valley communities in proximity to coal mining and power generation, general
practice data, 1998-2010
2013 24
Controlling measles in NSW: how are we doing in the context of other countries in the Western Pacific? 2012 23
One Health: much more than a slogan 2011 22
A review of the epidemiology and surveillance of viral zoonotic encephalitis and the impact on human
health in Australia
2011 22
NSW immunisation performance: continuing progress but no room for complacency 2011 22
Using operational research to ensure that immunisation benefits are enjoyed by all 2011 22
The NSW Immunisation Strategy 2008-2011: how are we doing? 2010 21
Estimate of the number of Campylobacter infections in the Hunter region, NSW, 2004-2007 2009 20
Feral pig hunting: a risk factor for human brucellosis in north-west NSW? 2009 20
Is there a risk of malaria transmission in NSW? 2008 19
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples at higher risk of invasive meningococcal disease in NSW 2008 19
Australian Bat Lyssavirus: examination of post-exposure treatment in NSW 2008 19
Ensuring safe drinking water in regional NSW: the role of regulation 2008 19
A review of the efficacy of human Q fever vaccine registered in Australia 2007 18
Preparing for the inevitable—an influenza pandemic 2006 17
Pandemic planning at the coal face: responsibilities of the public health unit 2006 17
Investing in capacity to meet the challenge of an influenza pandemic 2006 17
The changing epidemiology of pertussis in the Hunter New England area and potential implications
for the immunisation schedule
2006 17

Dwyer, Dominic E

Title Year Volume
Influenza: One Health in action 2011 22
Truth, double truth and statistics 2010 21
Lessons from the NSW laboratory response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza 2010 21
Advances in HIV laboratory testing 2010 21
The effectiveness of prophylaxis for measles contacts in NSW 2009 20
Challenges for the laboratory before and during an influenza pandemic 2006 17
Recent increases in the notification of Barmah Forest virus infections in NSW 2004 15
NSW arbovirus surveillance web site 1999 10

Dwyer, John M

Title Year Volume
Hepatitis C: the invisible virus producing very visible problems 1993 4
News and comment - Discussion on hepatitis C 1993 4

Dyball, Robert

Title Year Volume
Seeing obesity as a systems problem 2007 18

Dyer, Cathy S

Title Year Volume
The development and implementation of a strategic framework to improve Aboriginal child development
and wellbeing in NSW: a collaborative approach
2012 23

Dyson, John

Title Year Volume
Blue-green algae hit Lake Cargelligo 1991 2
Current as at: Tuesday 1 August 2017