Author index - B

Bailey, Fiona

Title Year Volume
Personal health ​record helps improve child health 1993 4

Bailey, Sandra

Title Year Volume
Successful partnerships are the key to improving Aboriginal health 2012 23

Bailie, Ross

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Waterborne diseases among Aboriginal people 2010 21

Baird, Hannah

Title Year Volume
Health impact assessment on an integrated chronic disease prevention campaign 2005 16

Baird, Laura

Title Year Volume
School entry immunisation certificates in south western Sydney, 1995 1996 7
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5

Bajuk, Barbara

Title Year Volume
Neonatal intensive care unit study 1992 3

Baker, Deborah

Title Year Volume
Monitoring health behaviours and health status in NSW: release of the Adult Health Survey 2003 2005 16
Monitoring health behaviours and health status in NSW: release of the Adult Health Survey 2002 2004 15
Collecting information from people of non-English speaking background: translation of survey instruments in the NSW Health Survey Program 2001 12
1999 NSW Older People’s Health Survey: an opportunity to monitor the health and wellbeing of older people in the community 1999 10
Salmonella bredeney outbreak in eastern states 1995 6

Balding, Bill

Title Year Volume
Reducing lead exposure in children in Broken Hill 2003 14
NSW Lead Management Program in Broken Hill 2001 12
Lead and environmental health in Broken Hill 1997 8

Banks, Clare

Title Year Volume
Uses of NSW Health Survey Program data—a survey of users 2001 12
NSW Birth Defects Register - 1994 report 1996 7

Banks, Emily

Title Year Volume
The 45 and Up Study: fostering population health research in NSW 2011 22

Banner, Pam

Title Year Volume
Tuberculosis contact tracing within a school environment: lessons for the future 2013 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Tuberculosis 2009 20

Banwell, Karen

Title Year Volume
Greater Christchurch Draft Urban Development Strategy 2005 2007 18
Environmental health preparation for the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2000 11
Introducing a NSW vessel inspection program for cruise ships 2000 11
Health surveillance on cruise ships during the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2000 11

Barclay, Lesley

Title Year Volume
The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: building collaborative population health research in rural and remote NSW 2011 22

Barlow, Gillian

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Waterborne diseases among Aboriginal people 2010 21

Barnard, P D

Title Year Volume
The dental workforce in NSW 1999 10

Barnett, Guy

Title Year Volume
A social-ecological perspective on health in urban environments 2007 18

Barr, Margo

Title Year Volume
Prevalence, circumstances and consequences of falls among community-dwelling older people: results of the 2009 NSW Falls Prevention Baseline Survey 2011 22

Barrack, Cecily M

Title Year Volume
Smoke Free Health Care: an organisational change to increase effective intervention for tobacco 2008 19

Bartlett, Mark J

Title Year Volume
Planning for pandemic influenza surveillance in NSW 2006 17
EpiReview – Epidemiology of newly diagnosed HIV infection in NSW, 1994–2003 2005 16
Notifiable diseases database system: review and development strategy 2004 15
Public health planning for the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games in metropolitan area health services 2000 11
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999 1999 10

Barton, Joanna

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Trachoma 2011 22

Barton, Michael

Title Year Volume
Area Cancer Control Network: from cottage industry to strategic care 2001 12

Bates, Amanda

Title Year Volume
Staying Active—Staying Safe: development of a physical activity and falls prevention resource for older people who dwell in the community 2002 13

Bauman, Adrian

Title Year Volume
The Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Research Group: fostering population health research in NSW 2011 22
The strategic development of the NSW Health Plan for Prevention of Falls and Harm from Falls Among Older People: 2011-2015; translating research into policy and practice 2011 22
Development of a chronic disease risk factor index and identifying population subgroups at risk using NSW Adult Health Survey 2002 data 2005 16
Self-reported risk factors and management strategies used by people with diabetes mellitus identified from the 1997 and 1998 NSW Health Surveys 2004 15
Adolescent health monitoring at the regional level 1998 9
Increasing physical activity participation in NSW 1997 8
Increasing physical activity participation in local communities 1997 8
Increasing physical activity participation: future directions 1997 8

Baur, Louise

Title Year Volume
Monitoring overweight and obesity in NSW: a guide 1997 8

Bawden-Smith, Jason

Title Year Volume
Lead exposure at a school for children with developmental disabilities 1995 6
Impact of Sydney's deepwater ocean outfalls on Garie Beach 1994 5

Baxter, Reg

Title Year Volume
Does lead paint from the Sydney Harbour Bridge cause significant pollution to areas nearby? 1993 4

Bayley, Peter

Title Year Volume
Child abuse in NSW 1994 5

Beard, Frank

Title Year Volume
Release of the NSW Mothers and Babies Report 2002 2004 15
Risk factors for sporadic Salmonella Birkenhead infection in Queensland and northern NSW: a case control study 2004 15

Beard, John

Title Year Volume
Automated geocoding of routinely collected health data in NSW 2006 17
Can molecular epidemiology help us better understand the environment’s role in carcinogenesis? The example of pesticides 2002 13
Whooping cough in the North Coast region 1993 4

Beaty, Matthew

Title Year Volume
A social-ecological perspective on health in urban environments 2007 18

Beer, Ian

Title Year Volume
Hepatitis A outbreak associated with a Mothers’ Day ‘yum cha’ meal, Sydney, 1997 2004 15

Begg, Stephen

Title Year Volume
Socioeconomic differentials in life expectancy and years of life lost in Victoria, 1992–1996 2001 12
NSW Lead Management Program in Broken Hill 2001 12

Beggs, Paul J

Title Year Volume
Admission to hospital for effects of heat and light: NSW, 1993–94 to 2003–04 2008 19
Admission to hospital for sunburn and drug phototoxic and photoallergic responses: NSW, 1993–94 to 2000–01 2005 16
Pollutant exposures: back to basics [letter] 1998 9
Health, geography and mapping [letter] 1996 7

Bek, Mark D

Title Year Volume
Infection control and hygiene practices in skin penetration businesses 1998 9
Lead exposure at a school for children with developmental disabilities 1995 6
Investigation of patients potentially exposed to an HIV-infected health care worker 1994 5
Public health response to a suspected case of Lassa fever 1993 4
Immunisation census of the 1992 school intake in central and southern Sydney 1993 4
A regional trauma system in Sydney: the first three months 1992 3
Successful Public Health Network conference 1992 3
Training for a healthier future 1991 2
Improving AIDS surveillance 1991 2

Bell, Alan

Title Year Volume
Blood lead levels of children, traffic, paint, and social disadvantage [letter] 1997 8

Bell, Greg

Title Year Volume
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a cluster of cases in early 1999 1999 10
Q fever vaccination program in New England region 1992 3

Bell, Sydney M

Title Year Volume
Improving the quality of HIV data 1994 5
Cryptosporidium: a summer-autumn epidemic? 1992 3
Laboratory surveillance of infectious disease 1990 1

Bellew, Bill

Title Year Volume
Towards best practice in the promotion of physical activity 1997 8

Belshaw, Daniel A

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Cyanobacteria: health and research possibilities 2014 24

Benjamin, Susanne

Title Year Volume
The NSW Hepatitis C Lookback Project 1997 8

Bennett, Catherine

Title Year Volume
Public health planning for the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games in metropolitan area health services 2000 11

Bennett, Christine

Title Year Volume
A regional trauma system in Sydney: the first three months 1992 3
Move to fairer resource allocation 1991 2

Bentley, Jason P

Title Year Volume
Reporting of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the NSW Admitted Patient Data Collection: the 2010 Data Quality Survey 2012 23

Berry, Helen L

Title Year Volume
Mind, body, spirit: co-benefits for mental health from climate change adaptation and caring for country in remote Aboriginal Australian communities 2010 21
Crowded suburbs' and 'killer cities': a brief review of the relationship between urban environments and mental health 2007 18

Berthelson, Angela

Title Year Volume
Improving the health and life chances of women in disadvantaged communities 2000 11

Best, Elizabeth

Title Year Volume
The Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Health Service: a decade of achievement in the health of women and babies in NSW 2012 23

Biggs, Janice S

Title Year Volume
Developing a strategy to promote the generation and effective use of population health research for NSW Health: 2011-2015 2011 22

Billett, Julie

Title Year Volume
A consumer-initiated survey of women’s experiences of breast cancer services in NSW 2003 14
The identification, assessment and control of environmental carcinogens in NSW and Australia 2002 13

Bindon, Jeni

Title Year Volume
Councils, commitment, opportunity and relationships: how they combine to promote physical activity 1997 8

Binns, Philippa L

Title Year Volume
Isolation and quarantine during pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW: the operational experience of public health units 2010 21

Bird, Phillip

Title Year Volume
Risk assessment for the consumption of fish with elevated selenium levels 2003 14
National scheme tracks salmonella 1993 4

Birdsey, Richard

Title Year Volume
The Lead Reference Centre 1997 8
A guide for health care professionals on lead 1997 8

Birrell, Frances

Title Year Volume
Risk factors for sporadic Salmonella Birkenhead infection in Queensland and northern NSW: a case control study 2004 15

Bishop, James F

Title Year Volume
Smokers respond to anti-tobacco mass media campaigns in NSW by calling the Quitline 2008 19

Black, Emma

Title Year Volume
Drug-related aggression among injecting drug users 2006 17

Black, Megan E

Title Year Volume
Future directions for the Bulletin 2007 18
The investigation of an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in NSW in 2005 2006 17
An introduction to avian and pandemic influenza 2006 17
The new subject index for the NSW Public Health Bulletin 2006 17

Blackmore, Matthew

Title Year Volume
Improved tracking for HIV: surveillance of human immunodeficiency virus infection, NSW, January 1984-June 1989 1990 1

Blackstock, Sarah J

Title Year Volume
Typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Western Sydney Local Health District, NSW, January-June 2011 2012 23

Blackwell, Jennifer

Title Year Volume
Boom in demand for genetics services in NSW 1994 5

Blick, Bijou

Title Year Volume
A review of school entry immunisation certificates in the Manly, Warringah and Pittwater area, 1995 1996 7

Blakely, Edward J

Title Year Volume
Checklist for healthy and sustainable communities 2007 18

Blignault, Ilse

Title Year Volume
Researching culture and health: variables used to identify culturally diverse groups in NSW 2005 16

Blinkhorn, Anthony S

Title Year Volume
Oral health promotion in NSW 2013 24
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Dental caries in children 2010 21
Comparison of the dental health of adults and children living in NSW with their counterparts in the US and UK 2009 20
Improved oral health information for NSW 2009 20
Child Dental Health Survey 2007: a snapshop of the oral health status of primary school-aged children in NSW 2009 20

Blogg, Suzanne

Title Year Volume
Head injuries in infants: a closer look at baby-walkers, stairs and nursery furniture 1999 10
Doctors' notifications of pertussis 1998 9

Blom, Hans

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Automated data extraction from general practice: influenza-like illness surveillance 2011 22

Bloom, Geoffrey S

Title Year Volume
Regulation of research through research governance: within and beyond NSW Health 2008 19

Blows, Stephanie

Title Year Volume
Obituary - Sir Richard Doll 1912-2005 2005 16
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Varicella zoster 2005 16

Blumer, Charles

Title Year Volume
HIV in NSW: changing patterns in major risk factors 1992 3

Blundell, Louise

Title Year Volume
Compliance with sharps waste standards by a sample of Sydney acupuncture premises 2011 22

Blunden, Lou-Anne

Title Year Volume
The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: building collaborative population health research in rural and remote NSW 2011 22

Blyth, Christopher C

Title Year Volume
Diagnostic and typing methods for investigating Legionella infection 2009 20

Boland, Thomas W

Title Year Volume
Dental erosion: more acid means fewer teeth 1999 10

Bolton, Patrick

Title Year Volume
The impact of a general practice staffed casualty service on overall primary medical services 2001 12

Booth, Michael

Title Year Volume
The NSW Schools Fitness and Physical Activity Survey, 1997 1997 8

Booy, Robert

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Meningococcal disease 2012 23
Truth, double truth and statistics 2010 21

Boreland, Frances

Title Year Volume
Improving participation by Aboriginal children in blood lead screening services in Broken Hill, NSW 2012 23
Managing environmental lead in Broken Hill: a public health success 2008 19
Addressing decreasing blood lead screening rates in young children in Broken Hill, NSW 2008 19

Boufous, Soufiane

Title Year Volume
A discussion of the potential benefits to injury surveillance through inclusion of date of injury in hospitalisation data in NSW and Australia 2007 18

Boughton, Clem R

Title Year Volume
Letter to the Editor 2000 11
Reducing travel risks 1991 2

Bourne, Chris

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Syphilis 2009 20
An innovative sexual health medication order system for the Far West Area Health Service 2003 14

Bouwman, Ron

Title Year Volume
Infection control and hygiene practices in skin penetration businesses 1998 9

Bowden, S

Title Year Volume
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5

Bowen, Caron

Title Year Volume
Health impact assessments in London: assessing the London Mayoral strategies 2007 18

Bowen, Shelley

Title Year Volume
What evidence informs government population health policy? Lessons from early childhood intervention policy in Australia 2005 16
Getting research into policy and practice 2005 16
Capacity building to improve health: a health promotion perspective 2000 11
Health promotion with schools: a policy for the NSW health system 2000 11

Bowling, Lee

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Recreational water: surfing the bugs 2008 19
Blue-green algae hit Lake Cargelligo 1991 2

Boyages, John

Title Year Volume
Estimating a woman's risk of breast cancer: the effects of age and family history 2001 12

Boyce, Philip

Title Year Volume
Postnatal depression 1999 10

Boyle, Catherine

Title Year Volume
Risk factor levels for cardiovascular disease 1992 3

Brandt, Peter G

Title Year Volume
Reporting of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the NSW Admitted Patient Data Collection: the 2010 Data Quality Survey 2012 23

Branley, James M

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Pandemic influenza preparedness 2006 17

Breckenridge, Jan

Title Year Volume
Leaving violent relationships and avoiding homelessness: providing a choice for women and their children 2007 18

Britton, Philip

Title Year Volume
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis in children 2013 24

Britton, Warwick J

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Leprosy 2013 24

Britt, Helena

Title Year Volume
General practice activity in Australia 1998-1999 1999 10
Benefits of general practice sentinel surveillance networks 1992 3

Brokenshire, Tim

Title Year Volume
A cluster of locally-acquired Ross River virus infection in outer western Sydney 2000 11

Brotherton, Alan

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis 2006 17

Brotherton, Julia

Title Year Volume
A pertussis epidemic in NSW: how epidemiology reflects vaccination policy 2003 14
Benzene: a case study of the control of a carcinogen in NSW 2002 13
EpiReview - Measles in NSW, 1991-2000 2001 12
EpiReview - Rubella in NSW, 1991-2000 2001 12

Brown, Anthony M

Title Year Volume
Eye health services for Aboriginal people in the western region of NSW, 2010 2012 23
Ross River virus disease in inland NSW: higher than average notifications in 2007-08 2010 21
Pertussis outbreaks in aged-care facilities [letter] 2009 20
Evidence of pertussis clusters in three aged-care facilities in the former Macquarie Area Health Service, NSW 2008 19
The NSW Men's Health Information and Resource Centre 2001 12

Brown, John

Title Year Volume
Investigation of possible patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a hospital 1994 5
A cluster of meningococcal cases in Campbelltown 1992 3
Keeping the elderly covered 1991 2

Brown, Julianne

Title Year Volume
A framework for applying a health outcomes approach 1995 6
In-line skating injuries in children in eastern Sydney 1994 5

Brown, Katherine

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection 2010 21

Brown, Wendy J

Title Year Volume
The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health: study design and sample 2000 11
The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health: selected early findings and future research objectives for the main cohorts 2000 11

Browne, Kim M

Title Year Volume
How can we do things differently in Aboriginal health? The same challenges seen through new eyes 2012 23
The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: building collaborative population health research in rural and remote NSW 2011 22
HIV in NSW in 2010: sustaining success in an evolving epidemic 2010 21

Buist, Jack

Title Year Volume
Does intradermal hepatitis B vaccine work? 1991 2

Bull, Fiona C L

Title Year Volume
Can the impact on health of a government policy designed to create more liveable neighbourhoods be evaluated? An overview of the RESIDential Environment Project 2007 18

Bull, Rowena

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Gastroentertitis outbreaks in institutions 2010 21

Bulsara, Max

Title Year Volume
Can the impact on health of a government policy designed to create more liveable neighbourhoods be evaluated? An overview of the RESIDential Environment Project 2007 18

Burgess, C Paul

Title Year Volume
Mind, body, spirit: co-benefits for mental health from climate change adaptation and caring for country in remote Aboriginal Australian communities 2010 21

Burgess, Graham

Title Year Volume
Public health planning for the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games in metropolitan area health services 2000 11

Burgess, Kate

Title Year Volume
Medical retrievals to tertiary referral centres in Sydney 1992 3

Burgess, Margaret A

Title Year Volume
Controlling measles in NSW: how are we doing in the context of other countries in the Western Pacific? 2012 23
Immunisation: a public health success 2003 14
Tears often shed: from the Feery Oration, presented at the 8th National Public Health Association of Australia Immunisation Conference, May 2002 2003 14
Measles control in NSW Divisions of General Practice 2003 14
Infectious diseases - Immunisation Adverse Events Clinic, New Children's Hospital, Westmead 1996 7
Study of hepatitis B in schoolchildren 1990 1

Burke, Hugh

Title Year Volume
Reducing lead exposure in children in Broken Hill 2003 14
The experience of the Well Person's Health Check in the Far West Area Health Service 2001 12
NSW Lead Management Program in Broken Hill 2001 12
Our people, our health, our future: Murdi Paaki Regional Council Health Summit 2000 11

Burns, Tony

Title Year Volume
A large outbreak of Norovirus gastroenteritis linked to a catering company, NSW, October 2003 2004 15

Burton, Leanne

Title Year Volume
Introducing a new sexually transmissible infections contact tracing resource for use in NSW General Practice 2011 22

Burton, Louise

Title Year Volume
Cancer patients' supportive care needs: strategies for assessment and intervention 2001 12
A successful volunteer program showcased during the International Year of Volunteering : the Cancer Council NSW's Breast Cancer Support Service 2001 12

Burton, Mark A

Title Year Volume
Rural oral health workforce issues in NSW and the Charles Sturt University Program 2009 20

Butler, James R A

Title Year Volume
Mind, body, spirit: co-benefits for mental health from climate change adaptation and caring for country in remote Aboriginal Australian communities 2010 21

Butler, Michelle T

Title Year Volume
Timeliness of Salmonella Typhimurium notifications after the introduction of routine MLVA typing in NSW 2014 24

Butler, Tony G

Title Year Volume
Prevalence of Mantoux positivity and annual risk of infection for tuberculosis in NSW prisoners, 1996 and 2001 2007 18
Prison violence: perspectives and epidemiology 2006 17
Introducing a NSW vessel inspection program for cruise ships 2000 11
Tuberculosis in NSW correctional centres: disease control measures following infectious cases 1996 7

Butow, Phyllis

Title Year Volume
The importance of communication skills to effective cancer care and support 2001 12

Byles, Julie

Title Year Volume
Incidence of falls and fall-related outcomes among people in aged-care facilities in the Lower Hunter region, NSW 2008 19

Byleveld, Paul M

Title Year Volume
Ensuring safe drinking water in regional NSW: the role of regulation 2008 19

Byun, Roy

Title Year Volume
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Gastroenteritis outbreaks in institutions 2010 21
Child Dental Health Survey 2007: a snapshot of the oral health status of primary school-aged children in NSW 2009 20
Current as at: Wednesday 6 August 2014