NSW Child Health Survey 2001


This report from the NSW Child Health Survey 2001 provides the first ever snapshot of the health and wellbeing of children aged 0-12 years in NSW.

It presents information on:

  • the social determinants of health (including family functioning, social support, social capital, childhood activities and childcare, and preschool or school attendance)
  • health behaviours (including smoking in pregnancy, smoking in the home, parental smoking messages, infant sleeping position, maternal folate, breastfeeding, nutrition, food security and hunger, sun protection, water safety, and physical activity and inactivity)
  • health status (including asthma, oral health, disability, general health status, emotional and behavioural problems, infant feeding and behavioural problems, and the physical health of toddlers) and
  • health services (including services used, immunisation, visits to general practitioners, personal health records, child and family health services, parental support services, and home visiting).
File Size: 494 kb
Type: Report
Date of Publication: 30 September 2002
SHPN: PH 020105
ISSN: 1034 7674