Guidelines for medical practitioners
Useful links for medical practitioners
Chronic Pain Australia
An organisation dedicated to reducing the unnecessary suffering and isolation caused by chronic pain in the Australian community.
Australian Pain Society
A multidisciplinary association whose mission is to advance pain prevention, management and clinical practice.
Hunter Integrated Pain Service
A website developed by Hunter Integrated Pain Service (HIPS), a multidisciplinary pain management team based in the public hospital system in Newcastle, NSW that aims is to promote and deliver evidence-based, multidimensional care for those with acute, persistent and cancer pain.
Migraine & Headache Australia
A division of the Brain Foundation, a national charity that funds world-class research throughout Australia into all brain and spinal diseases, disorders and injuries.
National Health and Medical Research Council
Australia’s leading expert body promoting the development and maintenance of public and individual health standards.
National Prescribing Service
An independent, non-profit organisation funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health that provides practical tools and information about medicines, health conditions and medical tests. The NPS website includes specific information on the
use of opioid medicines in chronic non-cancer pain. -
NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group
An independent, non-profit association (funded by the NSW Ministry of Health) comprising clinical pharmacologists, directors of pharmacy and other clinicians from the teaching hospitals in NSW. NSW TAG aims to investigate and establish therapeutic initiatives that foster high quality, cost-effective drug usage in the public hospitals of NSW and the wider community. -
A national not-for-profit body established to improve the treatment and management of pain in Australia -
Pain Management Network, Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI)
A lead agency in NSW for promoting innovation, engaging clinicians and designing and implementing new models of care. The Pain Management Network aims to bring together consumers and clinicians to promote equity of access to pain management services for patients with chronic pain, determine priorities for action and develop and support implementation of new evidence-based models of care, to improve integration and co-ordination of care between hospital-based specialist multi-disciplinary pain clinics and community and primary health services.
Pain Management Research Institute
A joint initiative between the University of Sydney and Royal North Shore Hospital that conducts basic and clinical research programs, and works in close collaboration with the Pain Management & Research Centre which treats patients with acute pain, cancer pain, and chronic non-cancer pain.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
A professional body engaged in setting and maintaining the standards for quality practice, education and research in Australian General Practice.
Therapeutic Goods Administration
A unit of the Commonwealth Department of Health that carries out a range of assessment and monitoring activities to ensure that therapeutic goods available in Australia are of an acceptable standard with the aim of ensuring that the Australian community has access, within a reasonable time, to therapeutic advances.
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