Privacy Management Plan


The NSW Health Privacy Management Plan sets out NSW Health’s commitment to respecting the privacy rights of staff, patients and other third parties. It also explains NSW Health’s policies and procedures in managing personal information under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) and health information under the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIP Act), including how to access and amend personal information, and who to contact in the event of any privacy complaints or concerns.

All NSW Health organisations are required to adopt and implement the NSW Health Privacy Management Plan within their organisation and promote it to their staff and the public, including through publication of the Plan on their public facing websites.

File Size: 1135 kb
Type: Plan
Date of Publication: 29 October 2024
Author: Compliance
ISBN: 978-1-76023-955-8
SHPN: (LRS) 240778